Purists be like, “real books have that special scent…”

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They should make a new book smell air freshener that you can put on an e-reader case.

I prefer my kindle , easier to read with one hand, and leaves the other hand for more activities

C’mon, you can’t beat that fresh book smell

Did I buy a new book 2 days ago, yes.
Have I read the whole bookshelf of TBR books, no.

Only 2 shelves? Half my suburban is bookshelves.


My poor ass has a library card.

Nothing beats the scent of homeless sweat and librarian omens

Did you draw this meme on construction paper, cut it out, put it together and snail mail it to people?

No. You used technology. Shut up and sit down.

As much as I understand using virtual books for convenience/price, reading is one of the few tasks in my life that doesn’t make me stare at a screen for hours, so I usually opt for real books, but I still respect the e-book gang

E readers better cause the font stays the same between books, also it’s easier to 1 hand

Reading is for smart people. I have no interest or time to waste on such things.

I like physical books, but I only read the books I wrote on digital… don’t know why 🤷

I like to listen books tho, it allows me to draw at the same time and eat snacks… very convenient

To be fair, if he built and moved that bookshelf he probably would have a stronger handshake than the guy with an e-reader.

I have both

I only read 1 book.

Wait till you hear that there are people saying that audiobooks is reading. 

And they both hate the audio book people lmao

Real books are easier for me to read, personally. I’m bad at charging things, too, so a book that can’t run out of batteries is nice. I do read on my phone or laptop from time to time, but it isn’t ideal.

Plus it is really cool having bookshelves to display! And i like highlighting and writing in the pages of some types of books. Like nonfiction, philosophy, etc…

I prefer real books, but this is pretentious

Everyone thinks that until they get their hands on an E-Reader. Preference is one thing, but you’ll see your superiority complex crumble. And this is coming from a guy with a filled shelf.

i have the full mix, ive got hard covers and paperbacks and eBooks and audiobooks.

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