Purrfessional first responder

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[it turns out itโ€™s actually true](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/wbna10663270)

owner: can you learn this

cat: no i am a cat

much later

owner: seizures

cat: you fool ofc i can learn and i haveโ€ฆ. you didnโ€™t tell me anything after dialing so ill just sit here

Proof that cats are not only adorable but also lifesavers

cats are always smarter than we think. this oneโ€™s a true hero and a champ

I just realized I missed the opportunity to call him a furst respawnder.

911 : What is your emergency?

Cat : Automatic feeder just died on me. Send someone for repairs.

When I was a teenager, my mom and I shared a room (her and Dad’s marriage was on the rocks). I woke up one morning, feeling funny, with Mom yelling at me to get up and go outside. We all left the house, and Mom opened all the windows. A gas line, rubber covered with cotton braid, developed a hole, and nobody had turned off the gas tap to the heater (it was spring).

Mom told us later that she woke up to our cat yowling and clawing at her. This was nothing our Siamese cat, Princess, had ever done before. Mom was closest to the gas leak, so she was groggy, but Princess kept at it. When Mom finally came awake, she realized what was happening, and heard the hiss of gas escaping. That’s when she started waking us up. Princess undoubtedly saved our lives.

I’m convinced orange cats just pretend to be dumb.

Cat of the year!

*He also wasn’t wearing his medical-alert necklace and couldn’t reach a cord above his pillow that alerts paramedics that he needs help.*

I take care of my elderly MIL and the hardest part is GETTING THEM TO ACTUALLY USE THEIR EQUIPMENT!

I can buy her every piece of equipment to facilitate her life (she’s having a hard time walking and getting her to use a walker was a struggle, until she fell again, and again, and again…)but if she chooses to not use them…

It took a gentle scolding from her doctor to get her to understand.

How would you teach that? How would you teach the cat to push the tiny buttons and how would the cat know only to push them if there’s an emergency?


Cat called the police, but only because they wanted wet food.

๐Ÿฑ: I called but like donโ€™t make it a habit tho , your seizers low key interfere with my lunch scheduleโ€ฆ


It’s orange. I believe it. We are a family of cat owners (ride in cars with us etc) Orange cats were hands down ridiculously smart. Ate in restaurants with us.

My cat senses when depression is kicking my ass and starts furiously making biscuits on my chest and purring loudly

Cats are literally better than most humans at this point. Hero energy right here.

911 what is your emergency?


Sad to think this manโ€™s survival plan was teaching his cat to dial 911 and no human in his life to help. Glad he had the cat

Cats only pretend they donโ€™t understand but they absolutely do.

This kitty deserves a raise in treats and premium catnip benefits. That’s some next-level employee of the month material right there.

Waiting for his treat by the phone

And they say oranges only have one brain cell! They’re actually just as smart.

“Hi, 911? The guy who normally feeds me is acting weird. Can you come fix him, or alternatively, come feed me?”

That kitty deserves a medal and all the treats.

(Owner collapses)

Cat looks at human. Looks at food dish.

(Head butts humanโ€™s hand. No response.)

Cat looks at human. Looks at food dish.

(Tail twitches a couple times)

Looks at phone. Looks at food dish.

(Cat realizes he is facing death from starvation in an hour or less. Cat pushes 911 button.)

Incidentally, when i worked as a medic I enjoyed non-emergency calls at homes with a cat. Some were incredibly friendly and would be right in our business to see what was going on, or sticking their head into the jump bag.

I will say that petting one wearing nitrile gloves is incredibly unsatisfying for both the human and cat.

Maybe orange cats aren’t as dumb as everyone saysโ€ฆ

Hello 911? I don’t know how to work the can opener

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