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When you annoy people alot, but you’re just a chill guy who dgaf.

I don’t care :The chill guy


i dont get it what about this meme is so annoying you its like boomers hating on gen z memes for no reason

Very unchill guy of you… 

Who knew courtrooms and parliaments could be this entertaining.

Always funny when a new meme pops up and people start complaining about it after a week

I have a theory. This guy’s nose is too long and too big. You know whose nose is also too long? Pinnochio. You know why his nose is long? When he lies. That means this guy is also lying. In conclusion, he ain’t a chill guy. HE IS HIDING HIS RAGE BEHIND A MASK!


When they want me to perform a Haka at the parliament ro protest the Chill Guy Meme but I’m just a chill guy enjoying the chill vibe

No. But I’m lowkey just a chill guy that only wants people to be cool with their opinions

Ya, sick of seeing this format of her ripping up a document.

It stops here

No more rules, just chill.

Exhibit A: The undeniable link between cartoon dogs and political outrage.

What is the context of this woman? Last time i see her when see singing some native song in some parlement?

Thank you for prolonging its life. Was worried there for a second

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