Quebec Prime Minister meeting the USA First Lady Elon Musk

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A silver spooned foreign born billionaire buying his way into the White House is the exactly the kind of small government that the GOP has been promising us for years. Now we get to see how it works out in practice.

It is so funny to me that MAGA supporters stood up for JD Vance when he got selected, and now JD Vance is basically non existent. He’s been replaced by first lady Elon.

It really shows how blindly they follow their precious leader.

Dude looks fake as hell

Premier of Quebec*

It’s really cute to see Elon accompanying Trump. Do you think they went and stood under the Eiffel tower together when it lights up at night?

Is ivanka not available anymore? Or is she and the mute jared content with the 2 billion and chinese patents they got last time?

I guess JD Vance is sitting at home scratching his ass.

I figure with spacex and starlink they have met before? Elon hardly needed orange to get access to these circles.

In “fighting the establishment” we gave the establishment the keys to loot everything like Russia 🤣🤣

To everyone nitpicking the use of prime minister instead of premier:
In Canada, a premier is the head of government of a province or territory. Though **the word is merely a synonym for prime minister, it is employed for provincial prime ministers to differentiate them from the prime minister of Canada**. [](

Elon isn’t the one with cotton candy hair and more orange makeup than Bozo the Clown.

Everyone gotta chill. It’s a direct translation from the French, where they call him le Premier Ministre.

How is musk allow to run Tesla spacex and be in the government

Quebec Prime Minister LOL!!! He wishes!

Two massive douche bags.

What’s up with Rasputin and his chains in the background?

Can you stop spamming photos of this guy to the subreddit please dude?

I was really hoping the first lady thing really takes off and pisses him off so so much.

Oh god don’t call Legault a prime minister you don’t want to excite him

I live in Quebec and our premier is a douchebag, he will fit right in

I’m sure there’s a more accurate term for Elon’s role in the upcoming clown-car administration…. He won’t be a government employee so once things get started, he’s going to spend his time sitting in a chair in the corner, watching Trump fuck over America.

I get memeing on elon but using title of first lady as derogatory sounds misogynistic as fuck. No need for that.

So it’s ok to misgender someone when you don’t like them?

Elonia Trump

This is definitely photoshopped right? The weird thing on Musk’s chin, the strangely sharp outline around that guy in the middle?

I think the Orange Moron is the First Lady. Musk has him wrapped around his little finger. He knows that “flattery” works well on the weak-minded.


Who’s the guy with the drip in the middle?

We’re not sending our best.

I’m enjoying this. All the butt hurt posts after the propaganda for the entire year failed because people are smart enough to see through it.

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