Queue the “Fell For It Again” award

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Trumps says A LOT of things. Like him saying if Ivanka wasn’t his daughter he’d fuck her.

They will just use the same response they always use….

“That’s not what he said”

“That’s not what he meant”

“These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know … morons.”

How filling are faces? Asking for the leopards

And in fact with tariffs placed all imported and manufactured foods will be more expensive in addition to all other goods… fucking genius really let’s make shit better by screwing ourselves over (the general pop not the billionaire wardens)

Nobody has ever accused MAGA of high intelligence.

But at least he doesn’t have a weird laugh.

How soon can we start shouting “We fucking TOLD you so!” at every MAGA idiot?

Huh. No word about this on r/conservative. Weird.

Did he just have a meeting with grocery industry executives?

My I told you so will be on a bull horn in my stupid Trumper neighborhood.

They were too stupid to learn anything from the first four years.

It’s fine, at least he’s not a woman, or brown. That’s the important part right? And he’d never lie!

“BuT tHe EcOnOmY wAs BeTtEr UnDeR tRuMp LaSt TiMe!!!”

Trump supporters are the dumbest Americans®

Any Democrat says something that doesn’t 100% happen as stated: “**Why did you lie to us??!!**”

Any Republican (especially Agent Orange) says the most obviously blatant false statement: “*Oh, you rapscallion*”😍

There’s only one way to know if trump is lying: if he’s speaking!

That’s not what they voted for. They vote for him because they will be secure in their culture of bullshit religious beliefs, their hate for blacks, jews, mexicans, immigrants, gays, trans, etc…..That’s all they care about.

The people who vote for the party of “small government” rejoice when their candidate brags about using political power to force the market to lower prices.

and just like that, all his other promises will be proven to be lies.

They will still blame the dems

I used to be a service tech… ran around all day fixing stuff. I talked to a LOT of people over the years and dealt with more than one misunderstanding and, based on 20 years experience in dealing with people, can ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEE people hear what they want to hear and disregard the rest. The Liar and Thief has a convincing line of shit for people who are looking for a particular message. They hear EXACTLY what they want to hear and, because the Liar is the only arbiter of truth, anything which disputes the lies is a lie. And believe it, Stinky will wiggle and squirm and grease himself up and avoid responsibility AGAIN. And the maggat faithful will rejoice in their ignorance



It will be all those liberal shopkeepers who will be making excess profits.

What? You don’t say? Who could have ever predicted that?

Why not? Everyone knows the President of the United States sets all retail prices. That’s why inflation was all Joe Biden’s fault.

Trump is just a kid running for middle school class president running on the platform of pizza for lunch everyday and extended recess.


On the contrary, I can guarantee everything is going to get more expensive.

They didn’t fall for it. They knew his diaper was full of shit. They are just so sure with Trump in charge everything is going to better…even if it isn’t. They will walk off the cliff with a smile on their face.

You can fill a library about things Trump can’t do, but told people he could just to get elected.

I think Democrats need to start making outlandish promises while getting arrested for felonies more.

Only stupid or cruel people voted for him, anyone else was well aware of his lies.

And, as a matter of fact, they are the surprised ones.

Believe a word this traitorous pos says and you deserve a 2×4 across your forehead

“Trump lies!” News at 11!


Trumpanzees be like…

Thankfully they never cared abt grocery prices. Economic anxiety is code for racist.

‘Read my lips, no new taxes’. Remember that one?

All the same morons who voted for him last time voted for him again. I’m more concerned with the idiots who didn’t vote at all to “teach Kamala and Biden a lesson” about Gaza and the border.

Stupid Americans

I hope the schadenfreude will be unadulterated by widespread violence in the streets.

Don’t believe anything he says until he takes oath.

That’s not the full quote, though. He said it is very hard, but that he thinks energy cost will bring them down. I’m all for criticizing, but let’s do it with all the info.

It wasn’t morons… it were fellow Americans who thought Trump was the better candidate.
How anyone could vote for a man like that is beyond me, but now you have to deal with it.

If they believed him then I question their critical thinking skills. And if their critical thinking skills are low then I would say that is indicative of someone with a lower than average intelligence level.

he promised his base the world the first time and failed to do anythiung he said because he likes the power but not the job and he doesnt care about his base

He meant you’ll eat less and your grocery bill will be the same ergo it will cost less. Save up for the increased healthcare costs and dying early.

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