Quick update… My niece received her quilt

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Wow!!!! It’s a beauty!

This is so cute! You captured her bookcase perfectly! <3

She looks like she is feeling so loved in that moment. She will treasure it forever

omg you’re so talented, that quilt is a work of art

Fantastic! Impressive

This is absolutely Amazing so much detail in every single part of your quilt. Your Niece is probably so happy that you made this just for her! You’ve definitely got more patience than me. Thank you so much for sharing your masterpiece ❤️

love this


It’s so impressive, love it

This is so amazing! What a lucky gal to have such a gifted aunty 🤗❤️

Thank you for sharing 😊

Wow! Who ever made that has lots of talent

Wow! Wow! Wow. 2 of my favorite things, books & a beautiful quilt.

I LOVE it! I’ll bet she does too!!! I’ll bet she feels so loved!!! She’s going to cherish that for years to come!

Being known >>> ❤️

Very impressive! I love it!

Thank you for sharing an update! I loved this quilt and story so much ❤️

That is a fantastic piece of art! Did you base it off a pattern or is your own design? Your niece is so lucky to have you as an aunt

This is amazing! You could quilt a mini disco ball with velcro backing to just be placed anywhere by your niece. Personally I think the moving disco ball would be adorable.

So freaking cool!

I love it!

Do you need another niece? Asking for a friend 😍

Omg my mom made me one this year too! Yours is gorgeous!!
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What a special gift!



This is such a special gift 💝
What a labor of love from a very special Auntie 💕💕💕

It looks great!!!


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This is such a cool idea! 😀 Great quilt, OP.

Epic! What a beauty!

That is fantastic! I love how it’s a near copy of her actual shelves

Oh my, that is absolutely beautiful!! She will always treasure this. Such amazing work.

discoball cushion??

Oh my goodness!! This is amazing. It’s a work of art!

This is one of the coolest gifts I’ve seen anyone give, ever. Wow!

Just WOW – You’re incredibly talented and I don’t know if I’m more jealous of your skills, or of your niece being on the recieving end of those skills!
What a beautiful, thoughful gift, and her smile shows true appreciation – you are lucky to have each other!

Unbelievably cool

Gorgeous. It looks so real!

Jeez I hoped she realises how loved she is 🥹

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