Quite the consistency

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Such a tired and sad smile.

He has literally said he will not shave or wear a suit until the war is over.

One of these people literally regularly paints themselves *orange* but sure, the lack of a suit is the thing worth making fun of.

Why can’t Trump put on a face with normal skin?

Where Putin and Trump have AI graphic of themselves as soldiers… Zelensky is a wartime leader.

Why isnt Trump in a prisoner uniform?

Zelensky is more bothered about keeping his people alive than what fucking suit to wear.

His wardrobe is a constant reminder his nation is being invaded.

He will after he wins, and he’ll look 100x better than even Macron

What difference would a suit make.

The guy lives at the front lines, sees all kinds of terrible things on daily basis, and shouldn’t give a fuck that he meets the orange diaper, to put a suit. The last American president that, I know of, who came close to the front lines is the one in the movie The Independence Day.

Probably also doesnt give a shit about being respectful to the guy who said he’ll pretty much sell Ukraine to Russia

And imagine the outrage if he wore anything in tan.

He’s got more important things to think about than his outfit.

Surprised trump isn’t giving one of his classic grifter thumbs up

he’s literally out here fighting a war and people are mad about his outfit? priorities y’all

A suit isn’t a priority of his right now thanks

The man looks more like a leader than the guys wearing suits. I think having more leaders like him wouldn’t be a bad thing.

The more I see him representing Ukraine, the more I find respect for him.

You gotta realize, he probably slept in those clothes last night that or has been wearing them for 3 days without any sleep.

He got that typical jail house cow lick as if he’s going thru hell right now !

Why don’t we ask Trump what life was like in Vietnam. Oh, wait.

What the fuck does it matter what he is wearing?? He’s currently at war with Russia a communist country that would love nothing more than to make America his if at all possible. The rot from the inside is so real.

Why would anyone bother putting on a suit, for a photo with Orangina? He isn’t worth the time lol. 😂

As a regular person I don’t care if he’s wearing a suit. The man is dealing with shit and the last thing I want to do while dealing with shit, is to dress up with a disco stick up my butt

Who gives a *fuck* about a suit?

Plus the dudes at war. Have you ever tried running in a suit?

Trump’s people are suffering, and look at him wearing an expensive suit.

How come Trump is wearing a banana for a tie?

Look how no one but Trump is smiling. 🤣🤣

A suit means nothing. The man is leading a nation, not busy being a fascist criminal

Huh. That *is* avtually more reasonable than I would expect with that account name.

psychopath smile

Why can’t Aubrey Strobel just shut the fuck up, instead of embarrassing herself? 🙄🙄🙄

Also looks hotter

He dresses like he will have to dash off to the War Room any second.
Which he does.🙄

If he dressed himself like a pathetic businessman, then his own people would’ve given up on him

Trump not reading the room

I can tell he is uncomfortable standing near Trump

Zelensky and Trump in one on one combat would be hilarious.

I’d simply argue that trump and his brain damaged flunkies aren’t worth the effort of wearing a suit.

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