Racist Uncle

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‘*’open minded*” and ”*understanding*” are words that Randi the racist uncle would never use (most likely because he doesnt understand them).

He most likely will use the word ”*woke*” and ”*brainwashed by the left*” or some shit like that.

Family dinners: where the food is great, but the conversation is a minefield.

I usually post this every thanksgiving, but I forgot yesterday, so I’m posting it now. Kinda like when the Simpsons does a treehouse of horror in November.

This is how it should be: Tolerance pushing away intolerance. Intolerance is something learned so it can be unlearned.

Hilarious keep posting bro love your comics!!

I may not agree with his stance on border policy and people’s music choices buuuut he does know how to fry a turkey

This my friends is one of the cases where opposites do not, in fact, attract.

The Thanksgiving standoff nobody wins 😂 honestly, just cancel the whole dinner

He would claim his nephew is super racist.

Plot twist: its the same friend wearing a fake beard and hat.

I guess they always could agree on something in between. Like gypsies

As someone with a racist uncle (he’s a self-proclaimed Klansman), I get told “If you and your (black) wife don’t feel safe here, you can leave!”

The most intolerant and close minded people I know are liberals…


The comic would be much more grounded if rather than the out place language the uncle uses, he said “hes super brainwashed”.


opposite attracts both of them

you really think much higher of yourself than you really are 😉

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