Radiologist. I work 17-18 weeks a year.

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What a dream

I have two immediate family members who are both radiologists in LCOL cities. Their quality of life is unbelievable.

Do you have to buy in to the partnerships? How does it work for the medicine field? Also what car do you drive?

My impression is that the ability to be a top radiologist that is in demand is a rare skill.

How many RVUs annually?

How many years total in school?

You have a very important and special job my friend. Thank you.

Can you share your steps in how you got there? How long was your training and what did you study?

This is great for colleagues in the Northeast to see that are being taken advantage of by old timers and private equity. Great job!

Dude how do you do it. Iโ€™m rads too, did nights 1 on 2 off for a few months but I couldnโ€™t handle the health affects. Iโ€™m doing per diem days now, so burnt out.

So people that make six figures are legit getting taxed for HALF of their gross take home?

Why arenโ€™t you guys super pissed about the Uber wealthy ppl not having to pay ANY taxes because of their BS chicanery???

I really feel like I have to leave this country ASAP
It is just a damn shame, and while I appreciate the posts I see here, I just canโ€™t make heads or tails of it.
Thanks for sharing tho

Correlate clinically


A high salary post and people fighting to the death in the comments on hard work vs luck.

Name a more iconic duo.

edit: lmao to everyone trying to pick a fight below, bunch of clowns

You deserve every dollar ! God bless you

Ridiculous what you’re taxed


You’re a doctor. This makes sense.

How have you integrated AI, if at all?

Are you a diagnostic radiologist or do you do a mix of IR and diagnostic?

Furthermore, do you have a speciality ( I.e. mammo)?

I mean I get why PE wants a piece of radiology.

How does your salary compare to your peers? Of your age/experience?ย 

“Those are rookie numbers. You gotta pump those up.”

Oh how I hope I match Rads this cycle ๐Ÿ™

How long is each shift and how many RVUs do you usually do per shift?

Why are you on Reddit as opposed to spending every second trying to expand upon your bountiful career?

My neighbor is a radiologist. Looking at your salary, iโ€™d say my neighbor is one of the most frugal people Iโ€™ve ever known. He has nothing that is extraordinary. Drives a 2006 accord. Has a little house. Doesnโ€™t socialize. Only does gardening around the house (except for not trimming his trees that grow against my fence). Lived here 5 years before I even knew his name. Your post has humbled me. I did not know a radiologist made this kind of money.

As an EM doc I should get a 10% kickback

And Iโ€™m a CT tech that has to dodge someone throwing poop at meโ€ฆ

I mean without a doubt, you guys deserve that pay. You guys do huge amount of work. Almost nothing happens without a radiologist reading.

Asking for my SO because I’m tasked to help him find his radiology job in the upcoming year.ย 

1) when did you start looking for a job? Beginning of fellowship? What kind of resources did you use?ย 
2) what was the standard sign on bonus that you got?ย 
3) did you apply to the big teleradiogy companies ? If so, how did their salaries compared to smaller groups that serve a specific hospital/region?ย 
4) did you get a lawyer to look through your contract?ย 
5) with the growing trend of corporations buying local groups, is it still worth it for you to buy into partnership for your place?ย 
6) people that work day time normally work more weeks than those on nights. What were the #weeks of vacations you saw for daytime offers (if you applied for those).ย 
7) how realistic is it to find a 400k pretax, M-F 8-5pm (+/- a couple of hours), no weekends or holidays, fully remote position, avg RVU? That is our goal.ย 

Whatโ€™s it like being able to afford a home for your family?

AI is coming for you guys within the next 10-15 years. But luckily by then youโ€™ll be long retired.


This is why our medical system is fucked.

Is this an example why us healthcare is so screwed up?

Can you radiologists and other high paying specialties stop posting your salaries? It only hurts us. Figure it out. Other people don’t understand what we do. Stop doing it for the tiny little ego boost you get.

As an ER doctor, I think this is so interesting. Like, obviously radiology is absolutely vital to our practice. But aside from procedures, youโ€™re reading curated images with a clinical vignette already available. And you get to do it from home, without direct patient interaction. Meanwhile, in the ER, we are seeing 100% undifferentiated patients, performing emergent procedures often without benefit of any information (intubations, emergent chest tubes, etc), and having to act as doctors while also satisfying patients in a virtually 100% patient-facing job, all for maybe half that salary, if weโ€™re lucky. None of this to say you should be getting less money. I just canโ€™t understand why any current skilled med student would go into direct thankless patient care (family med, peds, ER) when they could go into lucrative, reimbursed procedure-based care (rads, cards, surgery, etc.). Medicine is so screwed. Cheers though lol

EDIT: Iโ€™m getting several replies focusing on how many ER doctors just write โ€œpainโ€ for the indication for a study, so they have no clinical vignette to work off of. When I mentioned clinical vignette, I meant the combination of triage note, any progress notes (letโ€™s face it, most radiology imaging countrywide isnโ€™t on-arrival polytrauma), vitals, clinical course during ER stay, labs, etc. Again, none of what I said is to take away from the work of radiology. I just feel like ER work is at least as challenging, yet gets paid so much shittier, and that was my point.

American healthcare right here!

Guess I need to apply to med school

This is badass–all I have.

P.S. well-deserved

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