Ran into this real nice guy at Microcenter who knew a whole lot about PCs…

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Thanks for sharing Jay, did you catch his name? /s

I bet he gave you his two cents


About time Jay learned something about PC’s…


Which one is the guy? xd

I spent a good 20 seconds wondering wtf happened to Linus before I saw Jay.

Jay has always been such a nice guy, couldn’t appreciate him more

Jay and Phil are a precious combo and it’s always enjoyable watching their videos.

im stupid who is dis

Didn’t realize your girl took a pic while both looking directly at and smiling for a photo?

i saw the fanny pack and didn’t need to read any backstory…

What’s up with the stuffed animal?

I can’t tell who’s meeting who

Is that a butt plug?

You carry soft toys with you?

Are you actually walking around with a buttplug furry tail? Or is that some sort of keychain attachment thing

That’s a whole Lotta cargo shorts in one picture

wow linus sure has changed

The guy with the raccoon tail?

Seems like the type that doesn’t get out enough. Must be a PC expert….


Meh. Dude makes 20 minute videos to tell you one thing that should take 5 seconds to say.

This guy deserves all the fame that LTT somehow gets and I will die on that hill.


I saw him during one of my visits at the Miami MC. He was filming [this video](https://youtu.be/ZeUgTwvBs-c?si=a5OxjAhpHvOxgrUF) with Austin Evans

I was a bit too late for the giveaway or to say hi, but it was a very unexpected surprise since I went to just get a cable

I’m hoping to catch Greg Salazar at the store sometime, and thank him for everything I’ve learned through his Fix or Flop videos

skinny chris chan

Last time I saw Linus, he had short hair

Damn when you’re scrolling reddit and see an old homie. Wassup Jett, don’t know who the other guy is tho 😂

You look alright but who’s that crazy-looking dude with the long hair? 🤭


I thought you meant this jay. 😭

biggest hypocrit in the game. jay’s knowledge of pc’s is great, but he’s a clown outside of youtube. his attitude and twitter rants im surprised havn’t gotten him kicked out of a lot of sponsorships.

Ran into him on a Disney cruise and nerded out hard . I approached him and was just like Hi your stuff is awsome keep it up then bounced I didn’t want to ruin his vacation. Then told my family I met a famous dude and showed them a video …. they were like … cool I’m happy for you.

I’ve forgotten more thing about PC’s than most people will know in their entire lives.

Hi Jayz so this guy helped you with your PC build? Good dude

Flexing the tail is wild

I’m so jealous you live close to a Microcenter

Nice Fannie pack bro loll

Did he digress?

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