*raped, not “slept with”

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Why do people defend horrible people? I don’t get the appeal

No sweetheart, you’re projecting again.

A rapist is a rapist regardless of how I feel about it.

You’re the one who’s willing to believe virtually anything so long as it suits your juvenile emotional needs.

Are they talking about the alleged rapist and human trafficer Tate, first name Andrew?

Edit: This works with Tristan, too. Allegedly, but ain’t family businesses great, right? RIGHT?

Don’t forget many of these Talking Heads are there to make money, grow their audience, say things that get clicks. You have to be discerning, people. Arguing with her means you are arguing against her source of income.

He didn’t “sleep” with the 15-yearold after he abused her. He raped her.

She’s supporting a known trafficker?

People project, they want to do those things and will defend anyone who does them

No one named “Jedediah” shall be taken seriously on any topic.

They are ALL Quiverful trash and absolutely devoid of that Liberal indoctrination known as “critical thinking skills”.


Stupid woman

That woman was 15 when that was filmed? Why wasnt that bigger news? When she came out and said she consented and enjoyed that rough sex, everyone was aware that she was 15 at the time of recording?

Absolute “pick me” behaviour. Five bucks she always says she’s “one of the boys”

To be fair if he wrote “raped” and not “slept with”, his account would’ve most likely been removed for some bullshit reason.

Honestly we need to start coming down on the women that support these pedophiles and human traffickers as hard as we do on the men that support them. Because they do exist and a lot of people think that because they’re women they get to have a say so in whether we, as a society, are willing to accept pedophilia and normalize it. Same for all these tradwives that encourage child marriage.

What a douchebaguette.

Of course a white woman is defending Andrew taint.


Projection at its finest

Who is she? I googled her and arrived on her facebook page with this video and she has like A few likes and a few comments, the fun fact is that half of the comments are some fake new Andrew Tate or Cobra profiles that try to get contacted by chat lmao

It would be interesting to see how Tate supporters reacted to the same thing if it would happen to their sisters/daughters or girlfriends.

It baffles me that people look up to him. All I think of when I see him is the clip of him being absolutely destroyed by a sassy British lady on Big Brother.

I haven’t seen that video. Is it online or is it evidence in court?

But also like, why wouldn’t I dislike someone that hurts my feelings?

The whitewashing of Tate has begun. Bradley Martyn had him on his channel.

This is an example of the conservative mindset… “Well, it never happened to me, so these problems are just made up and are not true.”

Can we get evidence of these claims in the comments here.

Make the video of him beating the girl viral…

Jedediah feeds the chickens and Jacob plows, fool

The guy has the worldview of a 12 year old who got the wrong message from fight club. I don’t know how anybody over the age of 13 can defend him

You aren’t actually allowed to say “raped” on a platform unless legal action has found it was. I understand everyone comes to the same conclusion with this, but please understand that the law should be taken seriously.

Just asking, do we have proof at this point? Feels like they’re getting away in court because of no proof.

I can fix her

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