Rate my setup (say anything mean and I’ll cry)

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Anything mean

comment image?width=5000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02cdc6705c42a29fb02e9c3bbb4f92c238409c59

Nice mooooooo………oooooooonitor.

Some people transcend to r/ultrawidemasterrace … so I wonder where are you transcending to? 😀

May your temps be low and your frames be high.

You have eyes like Sid?


comment image?width=1140&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e75008fde348087c460bd3e990e200db6a097fb

How do you see your health bar and ammo in games?!

This is straight up unacceptable , I see a black spot on your wall which ruins the whole theme! 🤓
comment image?width=811&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f46dd82b3a21a7b0f82d3a932dfd96ceb769c54

Your keyboard looks like it’s melting!

Great setup but why is there a random vape with liquid on the table

comment image?width=770&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79186ce7c26728f72ca8bd9f367dbf63261a89ae

You, playing at night.

Great start, but needs more cats!

I know people won’t care but I absolutely love that wood grain on the desk. I’d probably polish it to perfection before ever starting to play anything.

Cant say anything bad tbh. Still, the monitor isnt as big as bro’s forehead.

anything mean

Clean your camera lens?

Vape spotted 👎👎


very nice though.


How long does it take to find the cursor?

Not judging but I gotta ask, to all you ultra wide screen users out there….

Why? 🤣

Like, I cant ever imagine a single instance where I would ever use a screen that big for one thing.

I’m glad you’ve got what you like most!

Where is ur gamer piss jug?

Upgrade the wallsss

Love the blue theme. Also what monitor is that?

gz dude.

What the heck is that at your keyboard?

I really wanted a ultra wide as well. However, I don’t have a big enough desk and PS5 doesn’t support that resolution

monitor’s so big yet it still cant fit a picture of your mom

Why would anyone get a TKL-sized wide keyboard without an F row?

Need a better mousepad. It’s so small. And if you play apex legends, get a proper mouse. Not an office mouse.

The table is too narrow.
You will get wrist inflammation like that.
Your forearm should be entirely on the table on both, the keyboard and mouse side.
It’s also more comfortable.

Mouse pad is too small

get a bigger mousepad i fucking beg

How do people play games on these mega ultra wide monitors, would drive me insane, but whatever, to each their own.

The wall is too bland.

Your walls are bland and mundane!

You know what they say about men with big monitors

How far apart are your eyes man?

Fullscreen will always look awful

Great set up, clean your camera lense!

comment image?width=1442&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9868e15c5741e8cebab36a60a2ae7874d9e5a3fd

Once when I was 19, living alone, nothing to drink buthada little over half a pint of Everclear. Alas no mixer. Scrounge, a packet of strawberry kool-aid. Yes! No sugar, bummer but the show must go on. Mix water, powder and the grain…chug. About 10 minutes later my stomach erupts with very little notice. The result was a dripping stain across the wall that looks just like your desktop. My point, we both have bad taste, but I was only 19, what’s your excuse?

That monitor is as wide as your mum

Lame ass camera. Now cry


Don’t cry. Looks wonderful.

Im jealous, looks amazing, good wallpaper too, enjoy

hand you a tissue!

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