Rather have taxpayer money spent on this than on bombs

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How dare that money not go to Trump’s golf game!

Oh noooo, basic necessities? Kindness to CHILDREN? This evil needs to be stopped!

Catturd has three failed marriages, two bankruptcies, and got dropped from his garage band in Tallahassee. Maybe he should worry about his own shitty and pathetic life first 🤷🏻‍♂️

School shooting – nothing we can do, thoughts and prayers, police don’t have to help if they are scared.

5 dollars going to a child – blood boiling!

The picture of that toy is just heartbreaking.

This makes his blood boil? What next? Giving kids school lunches? This people aren’t good people

$27M represents 0.00042% of the 2024 federal budget. There are single missile interceptors that cost more. Seems like a bargain to give a family some tiny modicum of comfort.

$27 million over 10 years, $2.7 mill a year, and includes counseling services.

“Americans Billed $27M to Fund ‘Reintegration’ Gift Bags for Deported Central Americans” is a lie. “The funding also goes towards ‘counseling services and employment assistance’ for the deported migrants”


13.5 tomahawk missiles.

Or thousands of human children being treated with warmth and dignity.

America’s fucked.

I dont need propoganda to make me hate these people, their own words is enough

This is EXACTLY the kind of thing I want my tax money to go towards.

No that “gift bag” doesn’t make my blood boil, but Nazis … yeah Nazis make my blood boil.

OMG. Off brand toy, and toiletries JFC these people are assholes

These people don’t even realize how dead inside they are.

MAGA does this all the time:
Are they even illegal aliens? Are people that jump a gate, given a gift basket? Where would this even happen?
Are they that dumb?

They conflate: Asylum seekers, Illegal boarder crosser, Temporary Protective Status, migrants, etc.
All of which have different meaning, some of which are 100% legal status under international or US Law.

Boy, that catturd guy is sure full of shit

for real, i rather give money away to poor people for foods and house than war

Catturd and his divorced three times energy.

This does not enrage me at all. USAID is essentially the good PR arm of the government spending.
Some of its $ going to combat aids in Africa, some of it’s shelter for allies during a natural disaster like the Philippines….
28m for a basic necessity packages for the poorest of the poor… while supporting buisness (hopefully American business’) is chump change

The Taliban gives captured prisoners of war soap and toothpaste. We can give it to literal children.

It really just shocks me to my core that so many of the people I’m forced to share this country with are just down right sorry excuses for humans. More closely aligned with cannibal lizards than anything I’d call human.

It’s amazing how kindness makes their blood boil. This country is truly lost.

Instead of $5 for a child in need let’s spend more of OUR HARD EARNED TAX DOLLARS on tax cuts for mega millionaires and billionaires so they can have multiple mansions and yachts, off shore accounts for hoarding cash, and millions of donations for their favorite politicians. That’ll fix this country.

I believe the word you’re looking for is REFUGEES

What a fucked up people that expect my blood to boil because a poor child received a doll.

People who have zero charity aren’t worth shit.

Yeah, stop spending on frivolous things like toilet paper and toothpaste.

Keep in mind that MAGA and conservatives wont consider this a murder. They do find this unreasonable and they want immigrants to suffer for no reason.

Maga stupidity on full blast

If we got rid of Elon’s subsidies, we could more than pay for this.

And it’s like a dollar tree Barbie knock off. Imagine giving a homeless person $4 with of goods on the taxpayer dime!!!!!

Some people are such whiny fucking losers

That’s like 18 cents per American tax payer (depending on current numbers, etc). Who the fuck is upset about 18 cents a year to give someone the ability to wipe their ass and brush their teeth?

People not even understanding that not taking care of someone vulnerable cost even more down the line… work on yourself usa, you are losing your country to maggots.

$27M… that’s it? Why would that make my blood boil when the president just rug pulled his own meme coin and made billions?

Catturds right, it does make my blood boil, but in the way they think and not toward who they assume, lest they be looking in the mirror.

We all need to do our part to stop shit like this. If you have friends or family that say something like catshit just did here, call them out on it. Make them explain it, make them say the quiet part out loud. Don’t just brush it off to save the relationship.

no one is illegal on stolen land

wonder how the tax payer would feel about all the money being funneled to trump and other billionaire wallet

I have yet to hear Elon suggest closing the tax loopholes that allow the rich (people, not corporations) to avoid contributing to our nation’s budget. That trillion dollars is so much easier to find, than looking at every million dollar program that helps people in need.

Matthew 25:35-40
New International Version

35 For was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in,

36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’

37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you?

39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’

40 “The King will reply, ‘**Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.**’

Friendly reminder that, even if this was true, that would still be less than 0.01% of what our tax money gives to corporations in one of the wealthiest nations in the world.

I can honestly not fathom the amount of hatred you must have in your heart if this makes your blood boil.

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