Reach Across The Aisle [OC]

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Trump saying the last administration was the worst in history with him sitting right there was probably not a good start

Reaching across the Heil 

Reiching across the aisle.

As a non-american I look the the us and see a parody of itself.

What bugs me is the guy is literally supporting Nazi groups in Europe and stuff, and people are still doubtful even after this. The guy could kiss a Nazi on the lips on live TV and people would still be like “I dunno guys, he didn’t use tongue”

Doesn’t matter how much the mask slips, Republicans still won’t accept reality.

The democrats absolutely need to stop appealing to these idiots.

It’s like watching Charlie Brown trying to kick the football only to have it snatched away by Lucy.

Being buddies with the Nazis isn’t a winning strategy.


As an American who only exists because my Jewish family ran here from Poland during the initial attacks in WWII…..

This is horrifying…..

We should kill him

Good turnaround time on the one!

I know it’s a silly comic (not disparaging it at all!), but I’d rather we stopped with the “reach across the aisle” bullshit. You know who never fucking does it? Republicans. Tell me the last time **they** gave up something to pass legislation that was had ultimately both Right *and* Left ideals. I don’t mean “Republican” and “Democrat”…I mean right and left. Too many democrats are to the right of center and it pisses me off. Truly leftist ideals don’t get passed in Congress. And it’s because people like Jimmy Carter (yes…that one) thought it would be a good idea to “reach across the aisle”.

It’s not just Carter. Biden too. Obama. Clinton. They all thought it was important, or had a congress that thought it was important, to pass “bipartisan” legislation. Bullshit. It’s all legislation that is firmly planted on the right. They’ve won this because we’ve let them. They’ve won this because leftist politicians are too damn weak to accomplish anything.

And now we have people like Elon Musk advising the president. Fucking disgraceful and the left has itself to blame.

Trump didn’t really get new voters this last election. Harris just didn’t get enough voters off their asses to vote for her. Why? Because why the fuck should they? “Trump bad” wasn’t enough when the Democrats have done nothing but maintain the status quo…a status quo that is firmly right of center. A status quo that ignores the ongoing brutality in Gaza. A status quo that ignores the housing crisis. A status quo that takes money from corporations all the same as Republicans, but in a slightly sneakier way.

Reaching across the ayooooo

Reaching across ze heisle

Stop supporting these billionaires who support Trump. Delete your Facebook, twitter, and Amazon prime. Stop using Amazon completely. If you want real change then you have to vote with your wallet. Half of American doesn’t want this, so show them!

Reich across the aisle?

This made me giggle out loud, thanks i needed that today

Luigi…. Wins

Elon Musk used to suck his own farts through his pants. Now, he presses one of his nostrils directly against his asshole and snorts his farts right from the source. He sometimes likes to switch things up by sucking farts of all shapes, sizes, colors, and textures through a crazy straw he keeps in his asshole.

I think the German Tesla Boycott might gain traction.

I can’t imagine they would turn a blind eye to this.

That was fast

No but this was insanely fast tho lol

There are three things republicans reach for. Money, power, and little kids.

This guy desperately needs Tesla to survive. All of his investments are tied to Tesla stock. Most of his worth is Tesla stock. And Tesla isn’t doing really great right now. It would be very bad for him if something started happening that made it very undesirable to buy a Tesla.

Oh cool, never knew Adam drew in multiple styles. I like this one, it’s nice apart from Elon doing the Nazi salute.

it is supposed to be REACH Elon… not Reich!

The problem with this comic is that Republicans have no interest in reaching across the aisle.

They will rule by force, by judicial decree, and by autocratic fiat until our legitimation crisis is violent beyond measure… or they can no longer hide.

Ok look, I’m not fan of the republican party or any rich guy, let alone Elon, but after the left seriously thought that the ok sign was a dog whistle for “white power”, i just can’t take them seriously when it comes to this. Anyone doing anything remotely close to offensive and they’ll take it and parade it around like it’s a 10 pound piece of gold


more like “reich across the aisle”

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