Readers’ Context correct again.

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The Americans didn’t even invoke Article 5; the NATO Council did, proving that even without being asked, the then NATO members went to the US’s aid.

“One day after the horrific 9/11 terrorist strikes that killed thousands in New York, Pennsylvania, and our nation’s capital, the North Atlantic Council met and announced its intention to invoke Article 5. Secretary General Lord Robertson [declared]( the move a “reaffirmation of a solemn treaty commitment.” 


Imagine being stupid enough to elect this man… twice.

He’s a moron, like most who support him. Some are just brainwashed…
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In trumps defense he was busy gloating that Trump tower was the tallest building after the towers went down so he forgot about the coalition of outside countries that helped the US go.after bin laden. That and he doesn’t give a shit about anyone but himself

The idiocy is astounding. I’m impressed every single day.

Russian Propagandist Donald J Trump also repeated the 2020 rigged lie from the oval office.

“Facts bitch”

The new “science bitch” meme.

Not anymore we won’t come, America Last from now on.

Does he just hatch out of a giant egg every morning? How does he consistently know nothing?

Always (always) projection. Trump makes it clear he’d never honor an Article 5 called by a (former) NATO ally.

Fuck you Mitch McConnell.

Fuck you Merrick Garland.

But as of today, he’s actually right – the way the US is carrying on, they are a complete liability.

To be fair, Trump doesn’t like confirming Article Five, so makes sense he thinks no one else does it.

Did antibody in the media at the time call him up on this ?

Apparently they forgot

All orange do is lie lie lie lie lie and the lie some more 24/7 365 a year

I just want a president that makes sense when he speaks

USA today? A baby with shitty diapers and the power to destroy the planet. You can no longer talk to them, so everyone plans for the eventuality that the button is not pressed. But without them!


I think that note is a little poorly phrased, reading it like this some are going to think it’s only been invoked once by the US, instead of it’s only been invoked once and that was by the US.

But what have they done for donald trump, specifically?

That’s how he thinks.

The “never forget” crowd sure has a short memory. 

How many Canadians died or were wounded in Afghanistan. Did he say thank you?

I think it’s the United States and that won’t be helping anyone

Dumbfuck in Chief

I’m not willing to actually watch the video because I can’t stand listening to him speak. Did anyone/journalist in the room correct him on this? I hate how he can just drop some bullshit and everyone around him just lets it sit there.

And have you fucking thanked us?

But have you thanked us today?

Set one jackboot on Canadian soil and find out again.

Leave it to deadbeat DonOld to be that stupid

Painting other people as self-serving turds is how a lot of self-serving turds justify their behavior.

“He dumb?”

This motherfucker doesn’t deal in facts.

The people who elected that orange shithead are even dumber than the orange shithead itself.

I like when Trump talks, it makes my dyslexia go away for a bit.

Yes the answer is and always has been yes

I was told there would be no fact checking

There is no murder here, everything is just as planned.

I love you guys and I hope you find a way, because the next step is to declare Europe your enemy and this is obvious.

We all need to stand up.

Donald the Dum Dum

What part of NATO did he not understand? Oh, The Most Important Part!!!!

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