Real as hell

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Him creeping up behind her like a threat onstage is burned into my memory because it was so fucking disturbing to watch live

She didn’t need a long response, just straight to the point.

had someone tell me that hillary lost because she acted like she was entitled to be president.

when your opponent is *that*, I’m sure you’d be entitled, too. she was the most qualified candidate in recent history at the time and she still lost. I don’t care if she was unlikable. she was a good person.

what, and he wasn’t entitled either? he’s a straight white man in america. he doesn’t need to act entitled, he already is.

It is an indignity to share a planet with him


I feel like we’re not blaming Comey enough for the timeline we’re in.

At least he didn’t grab her by the *****.

It’s an indignation to share this country with him, not to mention be within proximity of his diaper smell.

Yep. I am sick and tired of any AH who tries to blame HRC or Harris for losing to Trump. American has shown who they are. They put a CONVICTED FELON KNOWN TO BE A RAPIST AND STILL OUT ON BAIL in the office of the Presidency. There is no excuse for that. I don’t care if his opponent was Daffy Duck. Daffy would be better. The two highly qualified women who ran against him were so superior it is not even imaginable that in a civilized world with educated and functional adults voting that either of them could have lost. Stop trying to make up stories on why the did lose.

Oh snap

To be fair, sharing a planet with people like him is an incredibly indignity.

Preach. It’s sad that we can’t elect a qualified woman to the office when we should have. We have a deep sickness in the country and I don’t know how it gets fixed. We really hate women in this country.

I nominate Hillary as official commentator on the next administration

It’s not really an own when you lose.

Very clever… except for the part where she hilariously lost to a reality TV star

HA HA HA HA HA HA Hillary was right about EVERYTHING!

Real as hell? Like that hot sauce she always carries around in her purse? One of the fakest people out there. Glad she lost. Trump is just a reflection of the voters. Shitty people elect shitty leaders.

Kellyanne should go back to her old gig modeling for Iron Maiden album covers as Eddie.

Hillary dropping the mic with one line. Absolute queen energy.

Hillary thought it was an indignity, but Trump still spanked the crap out of her in all three debates.

and yet she still lost

Everyone will laugh and agree with her, and maybe she’s right. But that attitude is a part of the reason she lost. People saw her with her nose in the air, looking down on someone and saw her as the same old thing.

I really despise DT, but I despise the lady of war even more. She tore apart the EU unity with the Libyan war, starting the neverending immigration crisis

Trump debated and defeated Clinton, Biden, Harris, and the media….

He smoked her in every debate. She’s still salty.

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