Real Faith Punished…

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They’ll arrest someone for helping people, but let the ones causing harm slide. This country’s priorities are so messed up.

I fuck with real Christian’s quite a bit. Not many of them out there imho but the ones I love are wondrous people. I’m not at all religious but it boils my blood seeing this. Theirs is a real love of humanity and not lip service for election results

After all the evangelical whining about persecution of Christians, we finally have real examples and they’re just fine with it.

I got fired by Marriot when I gave the homeless the 24 filet mignons they told me to throw away after a wedding. It’s because it violated their insurance policy and can ruin the business.

The other employees always said “aw that’s so nice” as they did nothing to help. I would tell them to stop thanking me and help me but nobody ever did. To be fair I was warned multiple times by management but didn’t care. I’m not throwing away food thats still warm when I have to walk past 40 homeless people all cudddled together trying not freeze to death. I’m Roman Catholic.

Right now a thousand MAGA are trying desperately to find something to silence Bishop Budde with.

And where real Christians also get death threats.

This is the real point of this conversation. There are real Christians out there. They are doing the kind of outreach work that Christ commanded in order to get into heaven as found in the Bible in Matthew Matthew 25 verses 26th through 41. Their opponents are the fake Christians, with their prosperity gospel, anti-abortion bullshit and all their supposed sexual morality. What we have seen is that they’re the most immoral and sexually abusive people there are.

That damn sin of empathy, got ’em again.

These fake Christians want Christians to be treated like Christ 🤦‍♂️

This country is below shit.

Anyone else remember the days when churches were literally considered “sanctuary” and local authorities didn’t even think about crossing that line?

This guy is NOT actually the good guy a lot of media is saying he is. He didn’t just have the homeless sleeping in a church. There were legitimate fire hazards that the municipality did offer to help pay fix. He refused to go through the zoning process. Refused to have the structure rewired, and refuse to get rid of high risk appliances that posed a legitimate hazard.

When he raised funds from the public when the story first broke he did not use the money to repair the issues in the building, instead completing a home renovation.

It is good to house the unhoused. It isn’t good to collect money from it and having them live in squalor and danger.

Osteen is jacking off to this news.

It’s these fake Christian’s have a bigger problem with

People like the bishop who stood up to trump? You might be using a religion with a violent history and is historically used for control and all that, but ultimately it seems like she believed what she said, that the right thing was to give mercy to those less fortunate, to be kind to those around you even if they aren’t kind to you
That kind of Christian I would give a firm handshake and thank for their kindness

The fake fucks who use it as an excuse to be terrible people and then turn it around to not even believe the very book they claim to worship? Too many levels of stupid and lying, not even bothering to try to seem like they care about what they say or who they hurt. Those are the people I have the problem with

They wouldn’t have cared if it was rich people whose houses had just burned down…the problem here is that he was helping regular homeless people. Our society hates when the homeless benefit from anything.

Soooo raping little children is fine and christian but letting the homeless have a warm place to stay is ungodly? Yap sounds very American👍

Jesus used to go to jail for similar reasons so they’re just making sure we know who’s the ones following Christianity and who’s the Romans

The church needs to start excommunicating some of these people publicly. Seriously, they’re not Christian


Isn’t he the same guy they took to court for feeding the hungry and they said it was wrong because he didn’t have the permits for food or some shit?

Sounds like the only thing being punished here is humanity, not faith.

Call them what they are: CINOs, Christians In Name Only

It is written, 2 Timothy 3:12

Unfortunately that’s the world we live in.

How? Like as a kid I slept in my church as a church thing. What is their basis to make this a safety violation?

Where’s Larry David when you need him?

Christians persecuting christians

No good deed goes unpunished

This shit is sickening and disgusting.

Who reported him?

Sounds like a story from Sodom and Gomorrah

Jesus would be feeling a sense of deja vu

When Christian’s are taught to turn the other cheek, they tend to be taken advantage of. It is very annoying

“When you worship power, compassion and mercy will look like sins”- Benjamin Cremer

Guess what, the “real” Christian’s all voted in the “fake” ones

You can thank the corrupt supreme court for that

This has to be in California.

When will people realize that politicians aren’t actually religious. They are just greedy.

right, we couldn’t have people not freezing to death…

My church did this and they would just put masking tape lines on the floor to mark out the walkway that needed to be kept clear for fire code reasons. Hopefully he just got fined instead of arrested and suggested a simple solution like that. If there had been a fire and people got trampled this headline would be very different, it’s still important to follow these fire safety codes.

At some point I realized that many low level laws like this, along with laws like traffic violations, are designed as a means to selectively incriminate certain groups and classes of people as a means towards greater control and oppression of said people.

I hope I don’t get downvoted for this, but the city is in the right here and the pastor is clearly in the wrong. On the surface level, this seems like a travesty, but when you know the details, you realize this guy is a closer to a fake Christian than not.

The Friendly Atheist did a report on this a year ago:

To give you the broad strokes, it wasn’t an actual church but a video arcade in the business district that also functioned as a the church. The man is represented by First Liberty, an ultra conservative legal group that is behind some of the most harmful religious liberty cases in the last few years. Basically, this guy’s “church” was next to an actual homeless shelter and he was taking in the overflow. The place was a death trap that could have harmed the unhoused staying within. He also let registered sex offenders stay with others and there were reports of issues within his makeshift shelter.

So, this pastor turns out to be another right wing grifter that thinks he is above the law. He is a fake Christian.

This is the real deal for actual Christians. This IS the false prophets and Christian persecution you were warned about. I hate to be all “end times” about it but yeah. This is it.

The sin of empathy

They committed the sin of empathy.

Arresting doctors for providing medical care to women and pastors for helping the homeless. How very Christian of a society this is /s

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