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What welfare?

What are they talking about?

90% of the billionaire problem would resolve itself if we stopped giving them welfare.

they don’t receive welfare but they sure as hell pay into it

If he means illegal immigrant, they do not qualify for welfare.

Joel Berry’s comment is clearly a comment written by a person who has never qualified for welfare. $700 a month ain’t enough to pay for groceries in this nation, let alone get someone to move across the world to get into the USA for it.

America is bombing their homes now? 🤔

People don’t immigrate here for Welfare. They come to work for a better life for themselves and their family.

They’re both stupid

Both are brain dead

Bc we bomb so many homes south of the border

When did we bomb Mexico? Jw. Both these dudes are tits

According to

> Non-Hispanic White people accounted for 44.6% of adult SNAP recipients and 31.5% of child recipients in 2020. About 27% of both adult and child recipients were Black. Hispanic people, who can be of any race, accounted for 21.9% of adult recipients and 35.8% of child recipients.,and%2035.8%25%20of%20child%20recipients.

So where the fuck are the immigrants getting shit?

Yeah… The US and their notorious modern day bombing campaign over… India, Mexico, and Hati? Wait, hold on. Let me check my notes real quick…

99% of Americans don’t realize just how much the US fucked up Central and South America over the last 100 years. My wife is from E Salvador and had to flee to Honduras because of the brutal civil war that was backed by the US.

That’s not who’s immigrating…

immigrants on welfare is a lie propagated by fascists who have nothing else better to do with their time. [Immigration and the Welfare State: Immigrant and Native Use Rates and Benefit Levels for Means-Tested Welfare and Entitlement Programs | Cato Institute](

The bottom one is the facepalm.

90% of immigrants are not from countries that are being bombed.

Fuck that

Sorry when did we bomb Mexico? Honduras? Venezuela? Smfh…

Neither of these things would solve the “immigration problem”. JFC why is everyone so myopic and obsessed with simplistic solutions to every complex issue?

This fucking lot that believes this horseshit couldn’t point you to a workable example of their lives depended on it. This is just some dumb shit thats been the college liberals ‘s bugaboo while getting high for at least 60 years

Funnily enough, legal foreign workers such as those on H-1/2B, L-1/2, F-1, TN visas pay into FICA, Medicaid, SS but can’t use any of the benefits, so they’re actually “giving” Americans welfare.

Even these people who are legally in the US can’t benefit from welfare, but the right thinks undocumented people who are not even eligible for a SSN somehow can get welfare?

The first guy is dumb but aren’t most immigrants coming from Mexico/South America and India? Last I checked we aren’t bombing anywhere near there. (Hell are we really bombing anywhere anymore?)

Both these takes are stupid.

I didn’t know we were bombing mexico. That’s news to me.

the west isnt responsible for every fault in the 3rd world… we can pretty much f shit up ourselves, just look how mexico is dealing with self inflicted terrorism: we just deny its existence and have the military slay political opposition

If it’s really a problem that needs a solution, start punishing people who hire illegal immigrants.

Fine the employers or take away their licenses.

100% of the immigration “problem” would be solved if people were kinder and more understanding. same with homelessness, and crime. rehabilitate, integrate, and accommodate.

90% of immigration problems would resolve themselves if we stopped giving the rich welfare.

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