
By brylex1
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Techbros tired of reinventing the train so they’re reinventing the sailboat now

All that is old, is new again.

*500 years ago. Sailing is really old, but those kinds of sails weren’t invented until way later

Somebody recently watched moana 2.

They figured out a way to sail without paying fifty men with rum and scurvy.

5000 year ago.

Picture of Vessel from 19th century.

5000 years ago was the bronze age. Ships back then were just big rafts. But they probably had sails of some sort too.

I hope I’m still alive when they reinvent the combustion engine 🤣🤣🤣

Ah yes, the ancient art of flying ships! We’re basically reinventing the wheel… with a kite!

Millions must plunder

If you ever want a new idea, read an old book.

Welcome to sailing 2 the game. Sailing 3 hopefully will be done with sunsails in space! Can’t wait for it!

With how heavy the ships are nowadays because of what they’re built with and what they carry, there’s no way a sail/kite could properly provide the pull necessary.


Damn that’s an impressive boat for 3000 bc

This might actually be a decent advancement for sails. I’d think a broken cable (the “kite string”) is easier and quicker to replace that a mast, especially in the middle of the ocean.

Omnidirectional sails that don’t require masts would be far more useful than masted sails. For one thing, you don’t need to manage the masts. For another, your tacking becomes significantly easier if you have a mobile sail

5,000 years? What

we humans shouldn’t be alive still, we’re evolving backwards

We are evolving, but backwards

Ya, but do you want your ebay order to be totally dependent on the wind?

The problem is using the wind to go where you want when you want to.

Don’t hear much about “seasonal trade winds” anymore.

There are other wind-powered generators for ships available already that are more efficient and easy to operate. The main problem afaik is that most ships are not operated by their owners and there is a conflict of interests on who will have to pay for installation of such devices and in which way. They may become more frequent in newer ships if the technology is actually efficient.

Science is a Circle

Everything is either solar energy or gravitational energy

I mean that’s more like 150 years ago but yea imagine that using free energy amazing

Check out Norsepower. They have product that are called rotor sails.

Seems way more unwieldy

If y’all really can’t comprehend that the kite is meant to assist the engine…… Well gee golly gum drops I wish you the best out there.

3000bc had those boats eh?

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