Really how?

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Any source that isn’t a random twitter account lmao

The places that received bomb threats should have had an extra day of voting. All that time lost because of Russian interference and no one thought to give the people who were evacuated enough time to get back and actually cast their votes. Not to mention just how easy it would be to tamper with voting machines when no one is in the building to stop you. All conveniently in very blue districts.

Trump hasn’t had a non fishy election in both wins tbh

Once pa went red it was pretty much over.

I might be going out on a limb here, but I’m guessing *nothing will come from this*. The rich get away with everything in the US.

Well, *almost* everything.

Isn’t it a little too late?

Biden had four years to put Trump behind bars for dozens of crimes. Merrick Garland said he would quit if Biden made him go after Trump, and Biden left him there to do nothing. You guys have to get over this fantasy that “Dark Brandon” is gonna pull some moves and save America. He’s too busy pardoning corrupt politicians and people like the “Cash for kids” judge.

I knew Trump won before I went to bed on Election Day. It was pretty obvious. I didn’t need inside information.

Let’s be fair, he probably would have called it for trump early even in a timeline where trump lost. Also.. who, who is calling for the investigation? Is it just random people on Twitter? This sounds like click bait.

Highest number of registered voters in history.

Highest number of first time voters in history.

Record number of early voters.

Record length of voting lines.

18 million LESS votes?!?!?!?!?

The winning side also did & said almost everything they could to LOSE an election in the weeks right before the election, as if they knew the outcome ahead of time and nothing could be done to change it.


They had been saying, for months that he didn’t need the votes to win. Musk was bragging about how easy it is to hack the voting machines. All that they need to do is track down the person who hacked it for him, because his fraudulent ass surely doesn’t have the ability to do that.

It was obvious. Once those blue states started flipping to Republicuck with 95% reporting and a 100k+ vote difference, it was over.

fElon literally said that electronic voting machines were easy to hack. He tweeted about it

RT was saying Harris lost like 7 hours before it was called. It was much too early at that point. The lady presenters were laughing at the “liberal mainstream media” getting it wrong.

I normally don’t watch Russian state media, but I was in a hotel overseas, and that was the only English language “news” I could see on tv.

Well, Don the Con being who he is, and Elon Muck being something that may be even worse, I shall NEVER believe that there wasn’t cheating in the 2024 election

I’m guessing this is based on Joe Rogan claiming Musk had an “app on his phone” that knew the results before anyone else, including who would win.

The most important thing to understand is that Joe Rogan is an idiot, and also important to know that Elon Musk is a liar who will accept credit for things. I’m guessing it went like this:

>Musk: (looking at his phone) Nice, we’re winning!

>Rogan: What is that, like an app that has inside election results?

>Musk: (literally just reading AP News numbers) Yes, that is exactly what it is. I am a brilliant man.

Because they cheated and it should have been investigated long before. Trump told people not to vote it wouldn’t matter and then said he and the house speaker had a big surprise. This was truly the first rigged election in the United States history and Harris conceded way too quick.

All the shady stuff that happened with this election, I can’t believe everyone is just like “Welp, nothing to be done. Carry on as normal!” Unless investigations are going on behind the scenes (and they would be wise to be quiet about it), I just don’t understand how it all hasn’t been shut down pending some real answers. Frump is allowed to pick his cabinet members and jump on calls with world leaders and make all these preparations when we all know and have read/heard about election interference. We’re just going to lay down and take it? It doesn’t make sense.

Lol i hope this all comes out and ruins musk completely

Because he didn’t win.

Musk rat-fucked the election. We all know this. Many people are saying it.

There is a sub somethingiswrong2024

There are some tinfoil hat posts on there, but also a lot of people combing through data from voter precincts and it looks sus.

Easy. They did exactly what they accused the dems of doing in 2020. It’s going to be great in 2027 when we officially become New Russia. At this point Grumpy Trumpy the Serial Incest Raper, is just fucking with us with his appointments.

The whole election stinks like trump’s diaper. Yet no one has stepped up to challenge it.

We still think we “elected” Trump…


What are you suggesting? That the richest man on the planet Earth somehow has the resources or the means or the will to unfairly influence a presidential election?

Because he absolutely does.

What? You mean the Republicans stole an election?

We need to teach media literacy starting in late elementary or early middle school. And it should be a multiple year long study in high schools across the US.

No rush…. Maybe wait until January 19th to start the investigation… I’m sure Merrick Garland is on top of things!


I’m a Canadian so I have no horse in this race but didn’t everyone “know” 4 hours out based on the numbers?

Didn’t star link have something to do with transferring votes?

When I went to sleep at 10pm election night, I told my wife Kamala lost the election.

At that point it was obvious to me. It didn’t take a genius to read those tea leaves.

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There’s a subreddit called somethingiswrong2024 that is keen on this.

We are being played. This has been planned.

Ahhhh Americans and their fake elections.

4 hours before it was called… what did the numbers say at that point in time?

Musk was going to say Trump won no matter what the outcome was. And they were definitely going to attempt another coup. They said there was fraud ongoing in Pennsylvania that they had caught, until PA started breaking for Trump, then there was no more fraud.

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