received a message after dropping off an order…

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Tell him to tip on a scale of $1-$10 how pretty you were. Take control and turn the situation in your favor 🤣

Well…good job being pretty ig 👍🏻

had a guy call me the “sexiest doordasher alive”. reported him as soon as i left his house, and he was a dasher as well (i only know bc he called me as i was picking up his food and giving me tips on how to make more, which was weird by itself)

You can contact support and ask them to block you from that location

The amount of people that I go drop off and say “do you have a bf” or text me being weird after I have to find screenshots of texts and come back to this thread 😭 like pls I’m just trying to get my job done

Maaan…I’ve had a dasher text me “you’re so beautiful I hope to see you again..sleep tight” made me uneasy cause you literally know my home address. 😂

I’m a man in my 30s with a bigger build. I door dashed for a bit inbetween gigs and when I picked up an order one day at Panera this old lady in line ahead of me turned around, saw me and said “oh my goodness do you play for our football team? you are mighty handsome” and touched my cheeks.

In the moment I laughed it off and got embarrassed, but the reality is I’m just trying to do my job man. It’s not the same thing you went through, but it was extremely uncomfy – and that’s as a semi big dude. Please be safe and carry some sort of knife/tazer/pepper spray when dashing.

I mean… on a creepy scale that like a 1-1.5. Had and older woman call me Ryan gosling recently and tell me “if I was 40 years younger I’d do something about it”.

What people are really missing is that this is a business transaction. It is not appropriate for EITHER party to speak on the attractiveness level of the other.

People lauding this man for giving a compliment must have not read “thank you for being pretty” and “I don’t get to see many pretty women.” That’s super creepy.

My initial reaction is that this is weird, not creepy. But I’m a guy, so if I try to put myself in OPs shoes (to the best of my abilities given I’ll never understand what it’s like to be an 18yo woman) I can see how this is creepy.

Half of me is weirded out, the other half feels sorry that this guy lives such a life that he doesn’t “get to see many pretty women” whatever that means…ok nevermind now this feels creepy.

This is one reason I don’t answer my door and make sure they leave it and watch them leave from my camera.
People are creepy af

One time a guy added a 50$ tip just because he thought I was pretty. I wish I was kidding.



I applaud you for going out and dashing today for today I did not have the strength lol.

Wtf lol

That fact that he hit send on that text explains the why part 😂

Report this creep to DoorDash. This dude gives us delivery drivers a bad name.

I’m a guy and I keep having gay guys tryna hmu I don’t know why 😭😭😭

Best to keep these people away from your home, checkout doordash and Uber driver subs, there is alot of unhinged people who work for these companies.

Also no tip is ever enough for them

It was a bit weird before seeing that you were 18F, now it’s real weird. Hopefully you don’t get his order again.

Thank you for your service, Mrs. Pretty.

I would block him as a future customer if possible. Super creepy.

People don’t realize that this is not a fun compliment 😭 Like I just want to be at work without being oggled


Nahhhh LOL

Jesus fucking Christ…

Girl, let me tell you what happened four days ago I put in a DoorDash order and I had an asshole steal my phone refuse to turn around as I tried to chase him to get it back and instead of ringing my phone back to me he tossed it out the window in the middle of nowhere so right before Christmas I had to drop 500+ dollars to buy a new phoneThese DoorDash drivers are trash.


I got one of these and got tipped 10$ lol it’s def scary . Be careful

I really wanted to defend this guy as some older guy who was just lonely and maybe was trying to give you an outdated compliment… but no he seemed creepy. I did deliveries for 10 years and had a few regulars who were old and living by themselves. If I was slow I’d spend like 10 mins talking to them and maybe an odd job like getting mail or taking out garbage. Also had a lady invite me upstairs for my “tip”. I’m glad I never had to deal with any harassment this.

Giiiiirl he’s fapoing to you right now.

i’m so sorry man, that’s so creepy

Ugh. Weirdo

Seems more weird than creepy,fine line there

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