Recorder gifted to my 3 year old for Christmas

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LOL. is the kid at least enjoying their new instrument? maybe a concert for grandpa and grandma is in order for their next visit. hours long. unrehearsed.

When I see one of these, all I can think of is “hot cross buns, hot cross buns.”

My dad would always find the most obnoxious gifts to send home with us when I lived with my mom lol he also told me my mom really liked it when you lick your lips really good before you kiss her so it’s a nice wet one 😂 such a dick move

My son got one as well around the same age. Annoying? Absolutely. But now my son is graduating from college with a double major in music and history. Hang in there, it might be worth it!

Every time she wants to play it, tell her it’s so amazing that you have to call grandpa to show him how good she is at it.

Every. Time.

Make the noise his problem too.

When he stops picking up the calls, send him a message saying that the kid is sad that he doesn’t want to listen to her musical genius and ask him when he’s free to listen.

After a day or two, ask him to please consider his next gift a little more carefully.

Next time she goes to visit the grand parents, make sure to pack the recorder. Tell the kid that it should stay at grandpa’s house so that it can be a special thing for grandpa.

Apologise to grandma and take her for coffee so that kid and grandpa can bond over the recorder.

You know how kids become musically inclined, by having parents that teach them music early.

On the bright side your kid will be the star of the 4th grade recorder concert!

It is the easiest instrument to play hence most children start of with it. Play some videos for her to see what it supposed to sound like and let her practice.

My in law’s got my twins a recorder each when they were 4. I still had mine from grade school, so now we play together lol

One of those toys that tends to get “lost” pretty fast

Oh I just know Hot Cross Buns is right around the corner

Thank him by letting him spend the whole day with his favorite granddaughter (and her new favorite toy) while you take grandma out for brunch, a shoping day, dinner and a show

At least he gifted your child something they enjoy…

I’m pretty sure your kid was bringing one of those home from school in a couple years anyway.

My musician senses are kicking in sorry!

It’s okay to be annoyed by the constant noise (believe me, it takes one to know one), but if you sense your kid actually developing passion for music, please try to be supportive and patient!

You can tell they’re developing passion once they start to take the instrument more seriously and they actually begin to learn songs and not just play random loud notes (like they are now).

Good luck 😅

Spent way too long looking at the recorder thinking something was wrong with it or dangerous to your child

Get him one of those greeting cards that has a personal recording loop in it. Write thank you hit record inches from the instrument while your child is bleating away. You may also add here’s a Recorder recording I recorded.

I got one when I was a kid from my grandmother who said it’s a good start to learning clarinet. Then she dropped over dead from cancer so nobody ever showed me how to play the damn thing. I wound up playing brass.  

LPT: Don’t pick brass if you have to walk home from school. It weighs a fucking ton. 

Music teacher here: in what universe (unless you’re Mozart) does anyone expect a 3 year old to be musically inclined? That’s like saying your 3 year old can’t tie shoes, guess it’s slip ons for the rest of their life. My advice: allow them to explore and experiment with sound. Then, later, if they decide to take up an instrument, you’ll know what a beginner sounds like, and they’ll know it’s ok to not be good at something when starting out.

On a side note, when my brother and I had really young children, we would purposely buy the most annoying, obnoxious, noisy gifts imaginable for each other’s kids. Because…bros.

I look forward to reading grandpa’s petty revenge post

Help them learn how to play properly. I know my life would be very different, had my parents taken the time to teach me things and play things with me. Instead of just being purchased something and being left to it by myself. Easy way to become burned out at a young age.

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Not from Santa

If it was this bad, I’d probably just hide it and pretend it got lost, and then “find” it again after a few years when she got a bit older/mature. I’d also talk to the grandpa and say please no more super loud gifts lol.

Video call him every day “she wants to play her new song for her, grandpa” and leave them to it 🤣

I’ve given out about 6 of these to friends kids. Hilarious!

It’s a good gift,  get over it.

Next time you visit him plant one of those things that beeps randomly for 5 years somewhere he can’t reach.

Sign her up for lessons. Being able to read music can lead to extraordinary things. Embrace and encourage it, until you know for sure there’s no musical talent.

Don’t deny your child the instrument. That’ll foster a hate of failure. Your child will end up playing it again in 3rd.

This is an opportunity to put your child ahead of the curve. Instead of getting upset and hating it, set up rules of when it can be played. Add structure to the chaos. Either your child will lean in and show skills or will give up.

The more you hate a thing, the more a child will do the thing you hate.

I say encourage you to encourage the chaos and see what happens.

You have no idea if your child is “musically inclined”. You only know they’re not a prodigy.

They could end up being stupid amazing if taught correctly tho, they’re 3 years old

It’s a three year old with an intrument they are showing clear interest in…what do you mean not ‘musically inclined’

Hot cross buns! Yeah baby! Encore! Encore! Encore!

Look it’s a terrible instrument but it they like it it opens up other instrument gifts. Regardless sorry for the upcoming pain and suffering

I’ve only seen chocolate or vanilla recorders. Never strawberry. Nice.

She has to do a concert performance for Grandpa. Recorder, singing, dancing (thinking baby shark or some other obnoxious child’s song) followed up with morning tea with home decorated biscuits with lots of sugar and food coloring and an afternoon with him while you go out and have some quality alone time.

Or an overnight stay with recorder alarm.

Teach your kid, who is obviously interested, how to play the fucking instrument.

one day the complete silence in your home will be louder than the sounds of that instrument; trust me.

100% guarantee you that there will come a day that you would give anything to have that “noise” in your home again.

This makes me sad. Build your daughter up! encourage her! If she likes it, make it her world. The benefits of teaching early music are numerous. I can’t think of a better gift that can give a lifetime of joy and cognitive benefits.

Fucking cry about it. What you consider annoying could be something that lights the fire of musical passion later on in your child’s life. Just because they aren’t musically inclined now doesn’t make it so later on. Also did you think having a child was going to be a quiet process? If you want quiet get a goldfish

3 year old not musically inclined…… she’s 3

Have you thought of teaching your kid to play it?

When I was in band camp….

Aw but I feel like while this is annoying it could be good for her 🙁 maybe get her a less annoying instrument!!

Take away the recorder. Gift Grandma with a Mariachi band scheduled at 2am (get a key to let them in for an amazing birthday surprise.)

My husband’s brother and wife got my 5 year old an accordion. He also would get my husband cards with scantily clad women. He never did that until we had been married a few years.

After a few years of getting his kids thought out, mindful gifts and then him doing this crap, we just stopped. Screw them.

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