red cars aren’t cars!!!

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I have a red car 😬

Does it really matter?
Would you treat a transgender colleague / waittress / lift boy / etc differently than any other colleague / …?

I’d really like to know just how much transgener folk actually affect these people’s day to day to the point where they want to deny human rights and refuse to acknowledge these changes to social norms.

Sure, you might not want your kid to focus on that kind of stuff at a young age or whatever, but when has outright demonizing a topic like this for your kids ever resulted in them developing a fair, and rational point of view of the world. If anything this just produces the opposite effect, and enrages these people more.

I don’t get all the transgender fuss. Some folks seem obsessed with it.

For myself, I just never used to go around wondering about the genitals of strangers (what’s going on down there? were they always exactly those genitals? etc) and so I think I’ll keep on not doing that.

Is it so hard to mind your own business and not become enthralled by other people’s crotches?

What a terrible follow up. If you get a car repainted, it’s the new color. What kind of jackals would try to argue that a car still the previous color?

All abstractions are leaky, no label will fully describe a person.

Get your technicalities out of here, if she looks like a woman and acts like a woman then I’ll treat her like a woman.

A doctor cares about the difference when treating patients, there’s probably other reasons you should split those hairs but for 95% of us 99% of the time I just don’t see why anyone _cares_.

Let me add my 2 cents here as a trans person. We’re not the same we’re different my experiences as a trans dude are very different than the experiences of the cis men in life especially how were socialized differently. Sameness was not the argument to use for this IMO. We used it for gay marriage we said were just like you guys!! and now it’s being leveraged here against us. No trans person that I know doesn’t know that they arent cis ppl! Being different is OK I am a man but I am a very different kind of man and that’s okay! 🤷🏻‍♂️

wheres the “clever” part?

This is not a good analogy at all. And I have no issue with trans folks.

Looking for the “clever” part?

That’s not clever at all.

FFS who thinks up these stupid analogies and then who upvotes this garbage thinking the person is smart?!?!? Painting something doesn’t mean shit. You want an appropriate analogy with cars? Take a Honda Civic and put a Ferrari kit on it to make it look like a Ferrari. Is it a Ferrari now or is it just a Honda Civic dressed up to look like a Ferrari?

The analogy doesn’t even make sense.

Dumbest analogy. Nobody is talking about a paint job. Both red cars and blue cars are cars first to begin with, and get different paint jobs. They’re cars because the were designed to be cars, and built and assembled as cars. They’ve each had all the same car parts since the day they were made. If your trying to make a trans inclusivity argument, this ain’t it. This is much more like “are black men men or are only white men men”.

Using paint is a terrible analogy. Paint is only superficial. How about a pink VW beetle body, on an F1 frame?

The point is that the outside doesn’t reflect the inside. The ‘inside’ is all that matters in a ‘race’.

Half of the crap in this reddit is neither clever nor an actual comeback, it’s kind of like some 8yo took their sibling’s phone and just keeps posting random garbage.

Is the dress white and gold or black and blue?

I can’t tell if he’s getting downvoted because the people don’t like that he’s being respectful to trans people or mad because they don’t have reading comprehension and think he isn’t being respectful

Uh… yeah. Blue to red cars.. are red cars. Does he think paintjobs are immutable characteristics?

That painting comment is so dumb, like you really gonna say a red car is blue just cause it’s original paint was blue? Even if it was and everyone knew, nobody would give a shit, it’s red now, doesn’t matter what it was

Red car is a red car… still needs an oil change at 3K miles…

That person is affirming your point. Lol

This is incredibly problematic: what about red cars that aren’t quite “passing”? (Some blue paint still showing through?)

Sometimes things look like one thing but they’re actually another thing though… happens all the time. Your anatomy and biology are deeper than paint..

It’s actually not a very good comeback.

Cars are somehow a good metaphor to how people express themselves??

Car Fax

Its not a good analogy.

Cars aren’t pickup trucks would be better.
Similar. A lot of the similar properties. And it is possible to sort of change one to sort of be like the other.

But the changed version requires a lot of work, is unlikely to perform the same as an original genuine version, prone to damage etc.

But its just an analogy. If a car wants to change from being a car to a truck – great! I’m all for it. More power to them! Literally, in this case, they’ll need it.

What is it like less then 1% of people are trans, who fuckin cares.

My running theory is they’re afraid they’ll be attracted to a trans woman and they simply do not know how to process that.

People who say this kind of thing are at best just fooling themselves and at worst just lying TERFs.

If they’re doing the Ray Blanchard/JK Rowling “You’re just a mentally ill crossdresser” routine, then the extra terminology is pointless and just muddies the waters. They should just be honest and say they don’t believe in trans people full stop.

If, on the other hand, somebody **genuinely** thinks that “trans women are not women” and “trans women are not men” are both true statements, then have they not just… already talked themselves into believing there are at least four genders?? At that point, you’re **already** out of a simplistic “if penis/XY, therefore man” dichotomy, so why not just go the extra step and say that trans women are women?

no matter if it is red or blue, i will protect it, no matter if it agrees withe me doing so XD

Gatekeeping something as personal as gender is the stupidest shit I’ve seen. Trans women existing and identifying as women has ZERO effect on my “status” as a woman or on any other aspect of my life.

I don’t care if your car is red or blue, if you aren’t the one behind the wheel, you really don’t need to know what’s under the hood.

The analogy is trying to explain adjectives and nouns, it’s valid.

A more direct analogy would be adoptive parents. No one says that adoptive parents are not parents and use DNA to justify it. We all understand that being a parent is way more than just biology. The social and legal aspects matters as well.

So a trans woman can give birth? Sorry but this is just silly to compare human bodies with fckng car paint. If i paint myself black and white does it make me a panda? Or maybe a penguin since i absolutely do look like one right? (Btw i have 0 issues with LGBTQ but trans is biological not the same)

so a visual test is all that’s needed?

*”If the car looks red then it’s fucking red”*

Thing is you can’t say that about every trans woman. Not all of them have had surgery so they look like a man when you see their dick and balls.

I mean, if I go on a date with a woman. I expect it to be the woman I had the understanding of my whole 21 years of life.

Now if you’re a trans woman, that’s okay, it just needs to be clarified beforehand that you are trans. I mean surely there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s basic information that needs to be told!

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We can always tell when a “red car” is just a blue car with a quick paint job!

*proceeds to demonstrate they absolutely cannot tell *

Vinyl wraps and plati-dip coatings exist.
I’d be bummed out if I bought a red car with a blue vinyl wrap and then found out it had a huge dick

Yeah this isn’t a good comeback …

There are situations where there are good reasons to differentiate, mainly involving fucking with randoms

Yeah, but if my car doesn’t have an engine, and the wheels are made out of pieces of the fiberglass body stripped away, then it’s not a car.

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