Reddit boiii dis tuff

By Envinx
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if tiktok gets removed, all braindead content will overflow to other platforms. Let them be there

So much hate for tiktok. Care to explain your hatred?

it wouldn’t, they’d just say it’s some hate campaign and remove all the 1* reviews

This is bs and doesn’t work. When supercell had released its new game squad buster it was soooo shit everyone was giving it a bad review and had a 1* star rating(mine included).

But after a few weeks playstore had removed all the negativity reviews and it was back to like a 3.5*

The game is rigged.

Interesting, but it requires to at least starting downloading of it.

People already did this, it did not in fact work.


Wasn’t this a really big repost trend a few years ago

Nobody is forcing you to use Tiktok.

Let’s be honest, Reddit is almost as bad. Especially if you subscribe to a lot of meme subreddits such as this one. Only difference is that you get mostly still images instead of videos, which I guess is somewhat less addictive.

TikTok is miles better than Reddit lmfao.

How about you grow up and let people enjoy things

This is so dank, you sir have won the internet for today! 😂🙌

Fuck TikTok. I’m doing it now


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