When push comes to shove, *everyone* supports violence in certain cases. If we dropped hypocrisy we would see it.
Doesn’t mean we should not try to minimize it, but trying to minimize violence is a realistic correct goal, while pretending that wE don’t suppOrt aNY violEnce is a hypocritic soy lie.
3 months ago
i got banned from worldnews by saying something bad might happen to Putin.
So basicly, according to reddit. CEO’s are worse then Putin
3 months ago
Sure thing, Boss
3 months ago
they let it slide because it’s a trend and the people like the topic. (engagements…)
3 months ago
The internet and Reddit specifically hate rich people more than anything
3 months ago
Redit – Posting meme about CEO getting kild 👍🏼, posting a meme about Hulk 👎🏼
When push comes to shove, *everyone* supports violence in certain cases. If we dropped hypocrisy we would see it.
Doesn’t mean we should not try to minimize it, but trying to minimize violence is a realistic correct goal, while pretending that wE don’t suppOrt aNY violEnce is a hypocritic soy lie.
i got banned from worldnews by saying something bad might happen to Putin.
So basicly, according to reddit. CEO’s are worse then Putin
Sure thing, Boss
they let it slide because it’s a trend and the people like the topic. (engagements…)
The internet and Reddit specifically hate rich people more than anything
Redit – Posting meme about CEO getting kild 👍🏼, posting a meme about Hulk 👎🏼