Reddit told me awards are expiring 1/1/25, so Iā€™m throwing them out like candy.

By K1nd_1
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is that silver poop? wtf lmao

What do they do?

I miss the old days of awards. And I miss getting the occasional free ones so I could sprinkle a tiny bit of joy to someoneā€™s day in return for giving me a laugh or seeing something particularly interesting.

Where is the button to give awards?

comment image?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc412b7eb6637c02528b1e84fce473aa2ce119aa

Who wants rewards reply to this comment. There are still 17 left and Happy New Year!

Edit: Everything has been sent and nothing is left šŸ˜€

Take my šŸŽ–poor man medal

Why do you have 10 silver poop šŸ’©

Pretty please with a cherry on top

Dont award me

May I have one?

How does one accumulate so many awards?

Oooh rewards. I don’t know what they do but I want one.

Poop pls šŸ’©

I’ll take a silver poop please!!

What do they do?

Thanks. Happy New Year!


Oh neat

Iā€™d have anything. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever been rewarded :S

How do we get free awards?

Happy new year 2025!

Well, things like that rarely happen to me. Setting 2025 up rightly, so it is now

i want one please! thanks!


Never got an award :'(


Medals for all?

reddit charity

My dude


But also that’s fuckin dope


Why and how?!? šŸ’©

Silver poop please.

Can in have one?

Free awards???

Besides bling, do these awards do anything else?

I’m too new to even know what awards are or what they do šŸ˜‚ How do you get them to be able to give them to others?

YOU get an award! and YOU get an award! And EVERYONE gets an award!

I’ve never understood the point of awards. Never had one myself but everyone seems happy when they get them! Lol


comment image?width=433&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc294cab9eadedfc1ce83b1bb8fc84dd4dc7774c

I just learned that an ostrich’s eye is bigger than its brain. The more you know, I suppose šŸ˜­


Do you have any left? šŸ„²

I haven’t gotten an award since they changed how premium worked. What do the awards even do now?

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