Reddit users when they’re losing an argument

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Third option: Complain about the American healthcare system.

If you look at his post history, his logical argument involved him making up things that literally didn’t happen and ignoring anyone that calls him out unless they also call him an incel. He’s writing incel fan fiction and getting mad when he gets called an incel.

This is his 2nd post in less than a month making this exact type of meme. Only incels have to make monthly memes about being called incels. No one else is having that problem lmao

Well, if they were capable of giving a logical and well thought out response, they wouldn’t be losing an argument in the first place.

I’m guessing OPs an incel, dont know why, just a hunch

Sounds like you’re an incel

If you cry because you can’t wank to an female protagonist i’ll call you an incel yeah, no argument needed there.

Op was called an incel and now “everyone” does it?

Also a logical response doesn’t even matter. This is Reddit. Like all social media, if it’s any further left than hunting the homeless for sport it’s “filled with liberals” according to the same shitlords that never sign out.

“Why choose when you can do both in the same reply?

Ah my man, there are red flags showing that an argumentation is pointless anyways, bet you have plenty of those and thats why you get called an incel.

Especially the recent wave of “Main character doesnt look like sex doll so game is bad” like why argument there ? Its pointless.

Chances are the person who wrote this meme is an incel.

Shut up incel

Found the incel

What an incel post “ trying to be reddator”

When logic takes a back seat to the spice of the argument

While the meme is mostly true, the poster needs to hop off making these memes.

3rd option. Explain the FNAF lore to confuse them

Involuntary celibrate (incel)

Reddit is probably last place where I will expect people to behave like adults

“Ahh a classic demonstration of female attraction:

Old fat man: Thank you for being pretty

Girl: :O creep!

Chad: Thank you for being pretty

Girl: Omg thank you :)” – Op Less than a day ago about a women that got hit on while doing delivering food.

Like, dont hit on people when there at there job bro.

Edit: I immediately got downvoted so just to be clear, the top part of the comment was a quote from op, not my words. Sorry for the bad formatting at first.

Or a racist, Nazi, fascist, homophobe etc etc etc


ho-okay, ya fuckin incel

Op seems like an incel

you see, there are only 2 opinions in this world: my, the correct one; and a wrong incel nazi bigot racist opinion

Sounds like someone was being an incel

Something tells me op has lost one too many arguments…

Lol why would you argue with an incel though? They suffer from a delirious mind. Waste of time.


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