Reductio ad fontium

By ycr007
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We once had a boss who always had complaints about everything we did. No matter how good it was. So when creating PPTs we started intentionally introducing really obvious things to improve after we were done with the presentation. We saved two versions – the good one, and the one for review with the intended problems. Spelling mistakes, alignment issues. He pointed them out, we gave him the other version after some time, he was happy.

I paste the job advert into my CV font size 0.001 in white then pdf it so the ingest system auto ticks all the screening requirements

Did the same but the other way around: Increased the font from 10 to 12 because “That’s too short!”.

I started adding version numbers onto the file names for work I gave in, but made them much higher than they actually were. FileName.0.0.9.doc always has less feedback than FileName.0.0.1.doc…

Created an app at work for both Android and Apple… they gave me one office, was like wooo! Then a satellite office… then a second satellite office… anytime someone was looking for me, I was always at “the other office”.

The other fun thing I’d do is that if I was at an office, I’d close the door, lock it and put on a YouTube video of a conference call and turn the volume up then nap and like every 20/30 minutes pause it and ask some random question like it was a live event.

Could write a book on this stuff.

Sorry but reducing the font size by 2 would not save 8 pages

Say that again

I work in enterprise tech and this is alarmingly true. My rule of thumb is about 9 out of 10 people in the industry are mostly worthless and say shit like this so they sound like they’re doing something meaningful. The other 1 out of 10 people actually do the work

My friend was designing a Xmas card for our boss and was over all of their petty change requests…so, he sat on it a day and sent it back “with” (out) any changes and the boss was amazed and had it sent out.

When you make a Power Point but have 20 Pages for a 5 Page needed one. So you Over Perform just because of nice Pictures with some Text.

Same. You can also reduce slightly margin width, and line spacing…

How large is the font size so that lowering it by two sizes results in an 8-page difference?

this would work on me

Nice try sams club and winn Dixie but you’ll never catch me

I am the client;
I am not pleased.

Double spacing can also go to like 1.8 without noticing as well (for reducing page count).. Likewise if you need it to be longer, increase to 2.2.. Used these cheats throughout schooling 😆

I did the exact opposite for a professor who had found my report to be too short.

Note that I poked very hard at him to understand if something was structurally missing. He could not pinpoint it. And just kept saying that the report length needs to be increased. 🤷🏼‍♂️

I created a script on the software we used.

We used to have to put everything onto an excel spreadsheet, and then enter it onto the companies software.

Initially when I created it, it only saved about 10 minutes, but it was long enough to have a bit of a break, read the news etc. but over the years the business grew, and typing it all manually would take over an hour. So I could relax, no one knew because the work was being done and showed my user name against the entries. The script posted it all in about 5 minutes or so, but I had an hour to chill.

No one ever found out.

Bullet points and simple graphs are all that’s acceptable. Good forbid there’s detail or more than a single paragraph, 3 line email.

I hacked my way into our IT manager’s computer and got his tax return.

Why the fuck is some random report for a client maxed out at 22 pages?

Sounds like bs pivot story or getting more pages for a professor.

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