*refuses to elaborate*

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You forgot the part where he named every character nearly the same name

That’s his signature little move

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I didn’t know that G.R R.M added the leaves. Neat.

Bruh there was bro incest shit in DS3, Miyazaki and GRRM are into the same freak shit

GRRM did not invent mythological incest. It’s been a whole thing for a *while*. Plus a bunch of other freaky shit.


Just you wait till he adds incest to the next book

Fucking bot

Why are players even surprised, lol that’s his trademark 🤭

the fallen leaves tell a story

At least he finished.

Yeah the same guy that stopped writing one series of books because of writers block to only sit down and write another series that was similar.

Do we actually know exactly what he added?

George doing everything except what people want him to do and finish the fucking books.

If he put as much effort into finishing the books as he does with his NFL blogs and his involvement in other projects then we’d have them by now.

He’s the embodiment of procrastination when it comes to finishing his major work.

>adds shit eating

There’s incest?

Even better: selfcest

Incest is very on pair with European history tho.

I mean, that’s just medieval nobility.

Dude wrote what is essentially a (very) pale imitation of LOTR and can’t even figure out how to finish it.

Well, he’s a trash author who virtually none of us would’ve known if it hadn’t been for the show, so…..

Hot take, the game would have been better without GRRMs involvement. Might have at least got distinct names for the characters.

When are people gonna recognise him for the old creep he is and boycott him… He’s gross.

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