Reject Modernity, Embrace Tradition

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Circumcision tools.


I can never tell if this sub is left or right wing lmao

We require a takeover by the bourgeoisie?

My grandpa built a small, working guillotine and a dummy of Berlusconi. He would chop his head, which would promptly fall in the basket. I miss you, pop 🙁

The French royals didn’t have a bunch of armed peasants saying they wanted higher bread prices on their side

The Guillotine has been invented for “DEI purposes”, basically before the French Revolution only the nobles were beheaded when sentenced to death. To set everyone on equal footing, this machine has been designed to be able to mass beheading people.

Some countries that consider themselves modern still apply the death penalty or life imprisonment, which is not very far from 18th century solutions.

Hey kids, it’s our old pal, Guillie. Say hi kids!

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If the blade is the face then which part it is where your head gets inserted ?

Been saying it for a few years now, eat the rich, its simple been an unnaceptable abuse situation for a while now

Marie Antoinette was executed for far less than what is happening with prominent individuals in US government rn.

sipping tea. just sippin’ btw what is your favorite tea brand? Mine is from a small town in England I think. Everyone hates it there, the tea I mean… it’s not posh enough. Can you guess the tea? sip

Post removed and user banned in 3…2…1

Sound engineering is sound engineering regardless of the era in which it was created

Off with their heads!

Many people think like this but they disagree about who the problem is.

Redditors flicking the bean at this one

I so need this on the back of a tee shirt.

Reddit is cracking down on calls to violence.

I need this as a phone wallpaper

then do something.

Heat up the blade redhot to caut. The neck. Trip balls with your head in a basket


Literally French people when they hear macron say he wants to ban gta 6

Why sharpen it?  Leave it dull so they don’t know if it’ll work in one drop just like we don’t know if our health insurance will get denied over some bullshit. 

Biden should go in there for misplacing millions of humans using them for political games.

More like trump, musk, Vance, etc… need the Paul palosy treatment.


Remember, the guy that pushed to guillotine everyone got a taste of his own remedy

Nothing will be done by anyone 😂


@fbi — yeah this one right here

Treason is a fun crime! No. That’s not it.

Treason is an awesome crime! Hmmmm. That’s not it either

There was this old word that fits really well here. Aha!

Treason is a capital crime!


Allons enfants de la Patrie,
Le jour de gloire est arrivé !
Contre nous de la tyrannical.
L’étendard sanglant est levé,
Entendez-vous dans les campagnes
Mugir ces féroces soldats ?
Ils viennent jusque dans vos bras
Égorger vos fils, vos compagnes !

Refrain :
Aux armes, citoyens,
Formez vos bataillons,
Marchons, marchons !
Qu’un sang impur
Abreuve nos sillons !

Stop glorifying Jan 6

Shame on the mods for allowing this post. Disgusting.

This guillotine is way too short to be effective. Very poor engineering.

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