Rejected a visit to the White House.We all know why

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Not to mention he was glazing all over their opponents, saying he was sure they were going to win, and left in the middle of the game when he realized that they couldn’t come back.

They don’t need that man’s stale McDonald’s. They’ve got food at home.

As a Ravens fan I didn’t think I’d have nice things to say about the Eagles, but here we are.

Thank God. I’m gonna go back to hating the Eagles next season, but that was one of the most beautiful Superbowls I’ve ever watched

I mean why damage your brand by doing a photo op with a guy that’s about to have 10% approval in a couple months


Trump went to the Super Bowl and supported the Chiefs. I wouldn’t have gone either, just for that. It’s not like he’s a respectable person, where you’d still accept the invitation and go. He’s a convicted felon/thug. LMAO.

As a Patriots fan, I hate the Eagles. As an American, I love the Eagles and enjoyed watching them straight up disrespect and bully the Chiefs all four quarters. Knowing they rejected the invite makes me love them more.


He talked trash about my city. I’m proud of my eagles if they turned the white house down.

Fuck it I’m officially an Eagles fan.

If an actual fucking Nazi asks you for validation, you fucking tell him to pound sand.

Apparently it’s not confirmed yet, but not gonna be surprised when it is. They rejected him in 2017, you’re telling me they’ll suddenly have a change of heart ESPECIALLY when they have a franchise QB like Hurts? Hell no.

Oh shit, 50% tariffs on the Eagles and Bradley Cooper

Donald gonna try and summon them through EO lol

I wouldve accepted it, and instead of going, have a team cook out. “Oh my bad, that was today? Oh well” 😂

Real Champions! 👏🏿

Go Birds

Go Birds.

Good for them. It’s refreshing to see somebody finally have a spine when it comes to trump. It’s beneath their dignity to meet such a low class, garbage human being.

Who the hell would even want to go to the WhitePride House for the next few years? Probably smells like a mix of moth balls, Bengay,and stale McDonalds. Let’s not forget the shitty conversation to be had with a completely narcissistic moron.


It’s better that this comes out after he asks. This just means he won’t ask. In the other scenario he gets embarrassed. Win-win!


There is no other answer than “NO” with string inferences on the “N” & the “O”…

Way to stand on principles Philly!

As a Giants fan fuck the eagles
As a black man good for them fuck trump

They should have gone and tackled him

The fact that Orange Julius Caesar was supporting the other team should be enough for the Eagles to say no. Let alone all the fucked up stuff he is.

I approve this message ✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿

I fucking love Philly.

In 2020, he specifically targeted Philly as a example of what’s wrong with america and we got revenge by flipping Pennsylvania and confirming his loss


I still haven’t seen this confirmed by any reputable source, but damn do i want it to be true

Great. Just say no to Trump. No playing nice with fascists.

Go Birds!! 🦅 Love this team.
Maybe Patrick Magahomes can come thru for a White House visit?

They should go see Harris instead lol

“Massive no.” Lmao, they didn’t even try to be nice.

Can’t wait to see what Trump says.


But they might miss out on cold McDonald’s!

Krasnov openly rooted for the Chiefs.

But they could have all the shitty McDonald’s they want!

Im pretty sure if they could’ve told the white house, “FUCK NO” they probably would’ve. They maybe did.

For what? Some McDonald’s?

That’s my team 🥺

Trump would probably feed them McDonald’s too.

They are big mad that the Eagles won’t come bow before their orange king. Lots of talk of “boycotting “ lol

go birds

There are so many better places in this country to be served burgers from a clown. 

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