Remarkably Preserved 30,000-Year-Old Baby Mammoth Discovered in Permafrost.

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Release the million-year-old pathogens

Stuff like this is cool but also scary because of the permafrost melting

I know it’s 30,000 years ago but I feel a bit sad looking at a baby frozen. I wonder if mammoth calfs were as playful as elephant calfs.

So to anyone here not looking for one liners about beef jerky and b rated horror related to extinct pathogens, I wonder if we might get someone reading through that could provide us with some insight as to how viable for cloning the DNA is likely to be from this find? 30k years isn’t that old for this topic and the quality of the preservation makes it seem as though this guy may really have been frozen the entire time. How long does it take for DNA to breakdown under extremely favorable conditions and at what ratehow much is likely to still be usable to the extent that it can be applied in extrapolation?

Take its DNA and clone that shizz

Nature never fails to amaze me

mammoth jerky

OP did not leave a link but this was here in Yukon (one of our 3 Territories here in Canada)


Not really perma frost then is it

Baby…with long tusks?!?! Ow ow ow

Half this comment section is laughing and making memes of the horror of previously dormant diseases now on the table again or cloning it and the other looks at a baby mammoth like Homer Simpson looks at a doughnut.

We really can’t be redeemed, can we?

We got to Jurassic park that shit

Clone it

Omg I thought moo deng died for a second (Reddit shows me posts from their sub)

Poor little guy

30,000 year old baby – reminds me of some parents.

Not really a permafrost now is it…


Is he ok?

Baby 😞

Here’s come out the million years old bacteria and viruses along with it

Rip Van Mammoth



Why are his ears so tiny unlike modern baby elephant???


This is amazing

it would be cool to see a perfectly preserved dinosaur like this

30,000 year old babyyy

Berlin Döner called they need it by 2 pm

They either need to eat it or clone it

Baby mammoth, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo

A little salt, pepper, and garlic n you’re good to go! Low and slow, baby!

A guy from Joe Rogan’s podcast has eaten one of those. Apparently he found several mammoth bones and remains in his plot of land

nature is healing

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