Rep. Dean Phillips is the only politician I’ve seen so far actually acknowledge our rage toward UnitedHealth

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The people have tried the democratic way. The billionaires own the politicians, political parties, social media, and propaganda “news” networks.

The whole point of a justice system is to hold the members of society accountable for offenses against others without the need of bloodshed. When you have members that are not being held accountable, this is what you get.

Before there were dispute resolution systems in place, even in tribal societies, people just fuckin killed eachother to resolve disputes.

The company itself is also absolutely the culprit here. They don’t need to go out of their way to defraud their customers,but they choose to.

The only one who saw Biden failing in old age and challenged him in the primary. The establishment Dems ridiculed him. Amazing to think what might have happened had his message been taken seriously instead of the wagons circled

> The real culprit is Congress and money in politics

And where exactly is that money coming from? Could it be from the healthcare companies that you seem to be deflecting blame from…?

The medical insurance industry spends nearly $160 million a year on government lobbying. That’s the root of the problem right there.

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Uh… Bernie?

I guess he hasn’t made a statement about the recent event, but like….

There was a fireside chat this morning with the CEO from another sector of UHG (Andrew Witty) addressing this situation. He literally advised employees to shut out all the “negative noise” surrounding the sentiment towards UHC right now, that none of it is real, it’s just a product of internet culture and that the healthcare industry needs great companies like UHC. It was fucking wild to watch. They will do no reflection on why this actually happened and they certainly won’t change

Peaceful revolution is impossible.

I’m going to disagree a little with Dean. No one forced that CEO to be an awful human being who placed profit over people? Just because rules allow you to do something evil doesn’t mean that you have to do something evil.

Edit: spelling

That’s a bullshit argument. Massive corporations like UnitedHealth don’t just “play by the rules.” They spend huge sums of money to write those rules.

Not the way we vote.

The right is fairly together when it comes to end game voting.

The left is likely bigger but is also fractured.

So we end up with a lot of people on office who literally don’t want reform. It’s too lucrative to want reform for them.

It takes more than words. Take action!!

Fuck you! Playing a shitty game by the rules still makes you a piece of shit!

Always blaming someone else.

Before you all try to retcon Dean Phillips into some kind of populist progressive hero, his whole primary campaign was screeching that Biden needs to tack to the center and struggled to pull in fours of voters to events.

His two main campaign funders were himself (he is one of the richest members of Congress) and billionaire Bill Ackman, who most recently made waves trying to pin Ivy League plagiarism scandals on “DEI”

Dean Phillips fucking blows but a stopped clock and all

When there’s a vote that will help towards limiting big insurance, pay attention to how he votes because this sounds like he’s just jumping on the band wagon taking advantage of people’s emotions.

Dean 2028. He’s out here responding to the people. He saw Biden weakness before anyone else would admit it. He’s the real leader the country needs. 

For-profit health insurance companies add nothing to our healthcare economy and only suck money out of our pockets.

Not-for-profit single payer would mitigate catastrophic costs, evening the playing field for all healthcare clients, while drastically lowering payables overall. 

Not to mention, healthcare providers would be rewarded for healthy outcomes, not incentivized to provide invasive procedures and drugs.

For-profit healthcare insurance is a giant, deadly leech on all Americans.


Lol. They donated to his campaign and he bitched about the Left after this incident. Promoting this asshole is ridiculous. 

I have so much faith in Congress addressing it. I am sure they will make it a priority on their agendas. Hahahahahaha

Good thing people stayed home last election and made sure this guy has no power to change things at all. Great work, fellow citizens.

What a hack.

Dean Phillips, champion of the people, is fucking with you. 

Prior to buying his way into politics he was CEO of Phillips distilling Company, largest distiller in Minnesota. He also sold a gelato company to Unilever and runs a chain of coffee shops.

Man is an oligarch through and through.

He’s acting like the insurance companies themselves aren’t responsible for the money in politics. They are who the fucking money is coming from. Yes, Congress is fucked and we all know that. But it has become fucked because of financial influence from corporations.

Congress deserves as much blame for its own fucking crimes, but don’t dare dismiss the crimes of the insurance company for the problem they themselves caused.

Why not both?

The corporations exploiting the loopholes, and the politicians in bed with them creating the loopholes.

Neat, a lone voice that is 20+ years too late.

Executives are scrubbing their presence online and health companies are at least delaying barbaric anesthesia billing practices till the heat goes down.

The culprit is Congress?? So is the police officer who didn’t stop the burglary?? It is those heads of the companies. 

He caught the bankruptcy part but missed the “dead relatives” part. 4/10 would not recommend

It’s 2025 how are politicans still allowing for the “United Health is based” – Dean Phillips quote clips

That is IMO the root of the problems and until that is not resolved none of the other stuff will be fixed. We have limit the power of money, and lobbying has on the government, make it immensely transparent who is funding whom and until then we are not going to have a government for the people and by the people. It will always be for the donors and by the donors.

Open season on oligarchs!

There are many culprits along the path of $ but at least Dean Phillips is calling out a big one!

I wonder what Mrs. Dead Health Insurance Executive is going to do when she discovers her family’s health insurance got canceled when he died? What will the algorithm say?

If the real culprit is Congress, what that translates to is the real culprit are republicans.

And where does that money in politics come from? Companies like United Healthcare. So they’re the real culprit. They created this rage.

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