Reported by a McD employee on day 3

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Why on earth was he still carrying the gun and IDs? It seems like it would be much harder to prove he did it if he dumped those somewhere (far from anywhere police could look).

this shit wouldn’t have happened at a carl’s jr.

Everyone saying a jury wont convict him, and talking about jury nullification, are in for a real surprise when this goes to trial…

It’s gonna be a bad time when the person who ratted him out is named. I can’t imagine a less sympathetic position. And a poor person who probably can’t even afford insurance who worked at McDonald’s. This is how dumb we fucking are.

Edit: thanks for the awards kind strangers. Eat the rich

McDonald’s is known for having rats in their restaurants

Should have gone to a waffle house

I’m reading the updates on CNN and I’m… confused. Apparently he was carrying a handwritten document detailing his motives…

There’s no way a shooter this smooth went and put a *letter* of evidence needed to confirm who he is in his god damn car. If he was going to do something so stupid, he would have used his car to get away from the scene in the first place.

Altoona Fire Department might want to be on stand-by for that McDonald’s lol

Honestly, the guy they caught doesn’t resemble these photos.

In the little echo chamber we call reddit:
No one will re-elect Trump

Real world:
Hold my beer

In the little echo chamber we call reddit:
No one will turn in The Adjuster

In a PA McDonalds:
You were saying


I’m lowkey kinda glad, but only cause I sort of look a bit like him and I have the same jacket and I work outside so I wear it a lot lol. 

Okay, so I saw a post on Blue sky by onionperson of a screen cap of a video posted by Luigi *last name* that hints at a manifesto being released on the 11. The video was automatically posted an hour after his arrest. It seems planned. Although I can’t actually find the channel that posted it and the original post was deleted

Wasn’t there like a $50,000 bounty on his head? As much as I *didn’t* mourn the loss of that exec’s execution, I can’t blame a person making minimum wage for calling it in and cashing in.

Pennsylvania fucked us again

I’m reasonably sure he was planning on getting ‘caught’ anyway.

0,01% US-American are still 33 140 people.

I hope McJudas chokes on their 30 pieces of silver.

The guy doesn’t even look like the shooter

I think redditors will be surprised to hear that 95% of Americans are not as online as they are.

Did this minimum wage slave get their 30 pieces of silver? I hope they enjoy their little vacation in Albuquerque, maybe buy a couple packs of smokes and a few bottles of 40s.

If I still ate dogfood like McDonald’s I would stop again.

This is why I don’t eat at McDonalds anymore… ok so it’s because of the price, and poor quality… but also this!

Motherfucker’s at Waffle House wouldn’t have done this

I mean, no one helped him by continually posting those pictures when saying how they wouldn’t report him. His face was propagated most by the people who celebrated him.

Did the employee know who it was, or did they see a gun with a silencer attachment and get nervous?

lol bro ain’t no mass group sneaking this dude out the country the guy was never gonna make it that far.

People are always in the reddit bubble. When will they learn.

That’s untrue, and anyone with a critical mind will tell you differently.

I hope they get the 50k

Nope. I’d call immediately.

60 grand? Most working class Americans could use the money and would turn him in in a second.

The entire NYPD is looking for this guy… nothing for days… no leads, no suspects, and then one day a random phone call leads them to a guy who has 100% of what they need to convict him.

No friggin way. I’d have a better chance of winning the lottery.

Shoulda went to waffle house.. ppl be hiding out there fr

I hope that person stays serving the cash register till the day they die. Actually a briandead human being

I think it’s important to note that the $10,000 reward is a life changing amount of money for a McDonalds worker, so I understand why they called.

It’s class warfare. Make resources so scarce that the working class fight amongst themselves and turn on their own long term interests.

99.9% of Reddit says they will until they’re faced with helping him or getting a 50k reward. 99.9% of Reddit are also idiots.

Also aged poorly: the thousands of comments saying: “He’s a criminal mastermind! He’s playing the cops like a fiddle!”

Just before he was caught walking around three days after the crime still with the gun, clothes, and fake ID used in the shooting, along with a whole-ass manifesto.

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