Republicans Avoid Voters

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This is the way. For every Representative refusing to meet with their electorate, organize an alternative town hall. In fact organize alternative town halls in every state. Give the voters a voice and watch Congress tremble.

We could have had this man instead of that weasal Vance.

*There are some who call him…* **Tim**.

Vance did a trip to Europe, bashing EU leaders about supposed lack of free speech and being afraid of their voters.

Every accusation apparently IS a confession.

Tim Walz for President. Please…..

When will Republicans finally realize the career politicians they voted for don’t give a fuck about them except once every couple of years? Everything that would actually help they average person, house and senate Republicans have voted against.

I love this. In general, I love the idea of officials actually making Townhalls happen. And I love the idea of government officials stepping up and making it happen for the people when their representatives fail them.

Come to Spokane, Baumgartner is hiding.

If thats what it takes for maga to understand the people they vote for dont actually care about them

Imagine, we could have had him. Now we have a couch-fucking nimrod who flees from other skiers.

So what I hear is…Trumpers are scared of hearing the voice of the people, but Democrats embrace the idea of letting everyone speak their mind, got it

I know this will never get back to him but Tom Cotton has refused to do a town hall meeting in his entire career.

I think Arkansas will be a great place for Governor Walz to start.

Stuff like this is why it’s so hard to believe that anybody voted for those other guys!

Yes please!

Thats ehat needs to happen. Ditch the old way and those that cling to them. Bring in new blood and those willing to change in this new world.

I could’ve sworn something similar happens in a book by Orwell where policies for everyone will be taken by a select council of pigs in meetings that will be private and hidden

Coach knows what’s up

This is turning into the mother of all “be careful what you wish for.”

Maybe somebody can rouse Hakeem Jeffries from his hibernation and let him know that this might be a good idea.

GOV TIM is such a good American.

Do it Walz!

This is how we right this ship.

But I thought they were so proud of their leader and all the great work to make our lives better?

I just read a tweet where Hakeem Jefferies is calling for democrats to maintain decorum and respect for Trump’s speech.

Why are there only like 6 democrats who actually want to fight?

I smell a bloodbath coming in the midterm elections.

I don’t think they’re worried about their being more elections…

Some rep in KS refused to show up to a virtual town hall. They printed off his picture and taped it to a chair, and held it anyway. It went on for over 2 hours.

I’m in Iowa, and our state GOP reps have also been told not to hold town halls. There is talk that dems are going to go into those areas and hold them. I absolutely hope this happens. We need to highlight that all the GOP has done for quite some time is obstruct, and on the rare occasion that they do get something done, it’s either performative bullshit or harmful.

The man who was such a good candidate, all the opposing party could come up with was making fun of him for giving free tampons

God damnit, why can’t we have Tim Walz?! We DESERVE Tim Walz!!

literally people just want someone to say they’ll solve problems. Seemingly only a minority ask _how_. People have been screaming at Dems to do _something_ and Trump won on promises without plans. It could be such a layup for Dems to just start having townhalls and promising to do something.

Definitely have a plan for those who want to hear it, but showing up and saying you’ll do something is like 80% of it.


US fucked up so hard

Do it

Whoever wants to run blue needs to start campaigning yesterday.

If Waltz is going to do that and the DNC jumps on it, that would help alot.

Much of what Trump is trying to do is held in place by the Linch Pins that is the razer thin GOP Majority…

If the DNC can erode that in the next 2 years, we can see these stupid changes getting rolled back forever.

They will still vote republican.

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