Republicans don’t support government programs except for police, prisons and military.

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I earn 2x the pay as a waiter than I did as full time HS teacher….
I also work 30 hrs less per week

RESPECT starts at home, and I wouldn’t want to teach some of y’all’s bad ass kids either.

We spend more money per student than any country in the world and it’s gotten progressively worse. There’s money for teachers, it just gets eaten up by useless administrators and expensive giant new schools.

System working as designed. They want to eliminate public schools for a for-profit/religious voucher system that would top up rich parents.

Doesn’t help when school administrations take the side of parents rather than the teachers

Yep, but it’s largely a state and local matter. Public school teacher pay varies widely by state and locality.

The salary is known before a teacher enters the profession. IMO, that’s not why most teachers quit. What is largely unknown, and difficult to imagine, is the lack of respect. Sure, we’re all aware there’s a general lack of respect, but it needs to be experienced to be understood. Once a newer teacher begins to endure the daily lack of respect, they then begin to question whether or not it’s a worthwhile career.

Republicans hate teachers almost as much as they hate the poor.

Well teacher pay has nothing to do with the federal government.

Second, teacher’s pay varies wildly city to city

And finally, this has absolutely nothing to do with finance and investing.

I work with a lot of former teachers. Can confirm

Maybe revamp the DOE so Superintendents and administrators aren’t making like 400k a year? Start looking into that folks, divert that money to teachers is a start. Look how much money Weingarten has diverted to the Democrats, where did all that money go? Poof.

We support ICE

I dreamed of being a history teacher, but seeing how my teachers were treated through the 13 years of school, seeing them work second or third jobs to pay bills, and the uptick in mass shootings and parent overreach, I was completely turned off of it.

Nurses have said the same thing.

The GOP attacked the Capitol Police.

They support their Orange God, that’s it.

So in a state like Massachusetts where the government is dominated by democrats, we shouldn’t have any issues with teacher shortages or strikes, right?

The shortage of respect is due to liberals. They put all the power in the hands of the children and gave them victim card to toss around like a wand. Republicans are also at fault because they demand Christianity be forced down the throats of all kids so to combat that, liberals said no and also no pledge of allegiance. Republicans said no and you can physically reprimand kids. Liberals said no and you better not try and stop a kid from bullying or you will be sued. It’s just one radical going extreme to oppose the radical extreme of the previous.

Tariffs are a *huge* government program. Government control of industry.

I made more money making pizza than teachers make and that’s not okay

Teacher pay is fine, but student behavior is a real problem


You’re going to blame Republicans for something the department of education has more control of?

The administrators take all the money, the teachers get the scraps.

this isn’t just a republican issue, jesus

This isn’t a republican issue, only.

I know of a school in my area where teachers are getting the shit kicked out of them by students and the students aren’t getting punished because it would have a negative impact on their future, or something.

That mindset is democrat as fuck. YOU HAVE TO PUNISH PEOPLE. Even kids. The teachers are quitting because they’re tired of being in an unsafe environment.

If there is no shortage of labor that means there is an excess. Supply and demand dictates wages will be low.

If there is a lack of respect in the classroom that means there is a lack of authority and discipline as well. You do not get either of those by increasing the amount of administrators or centralizing authority.

Teachers are handled at the state and local level some are grossly underpaid (AZ) some or overcompensated and had to change their pension plans as result (IL)

You left off Republicans support farmer subsidies and oil and gas subsidies.

The only schooling most republicans are interested in is Sunday school. That, and school vouchers to further separate the haves and have nots.

I can make more working part-time in the mall with a master’s degree than I can substitute teaching where I live. Of course, I have a degree that’s hard to find work in these days.

Private prisons. They love that. Those stocks are jumping.

We know libs don’t support police. How’s that working out for every shithole blue city?

Also, no one loves the war machine for than democrats and Liz Cheney. Trump is the only president to create peace.

Grab this hot take and take a lap

Liberals brought us to this. Can’t discipline children anymore.

Right here.  Two of my best friend were also teachers.  I’m not there to have a parent or administrator tell me how to teach.

Good thing the federal government pays teachers… O wait

Dumb ass

Democrats plans are…. Where?

This statement is false as fuck lol. Democrats don’t support teachers either. Look at why Fairfax county has a teacher shortage of over 10k. They don’t back their teachers because they are scared the people who have money will sue them.

The thing we’re in a shortage of is parents not making their kids insufferable shitbags, or being so themselves, so that being a teacher isn’t so bad.

Where does the “Republicans don’t support” teachers come from?

Liberal love to blame republicans for teacher pay. If it were really the case teachers would be well off in California and New York City. Everyone likes to rattle on about paying others more but when the time comes they vote against it because it will raise their taxes.

Dems: You’ll make the same money, but if you don’t sign your name to the DEI pledge we’re gonna fire you

This title is stupid. Teachers get shit on regardless of who’s in office.

There would be more respect from students to teachers if the parents were allowed to raise them properly again.

This statement is correct. There are several teachers that have left the profession due to children and parents with lack of respect for others. As far as politics goes, majority of the children with discipline problems come from backgrounds that vote democrat. Just my experiences. 🤷‍♂️

Or the teacher shortage could be the result of forcing teachers to teach topics that have a left tilt viewpoint. BS administrative crap that is pushed on them from boards of education or states.

People seem to forget he isn’t president yet…..

Thank liberals and their little sissy kids.

Republicans don’t support government programs generally, but they have a special hatred and impulse to sabotage public education.

The education crisis in the states is real. Too many Americans have an adolescent “You can’t tell me what to do,” mindset and it is by far the biggest problem in our Nation.

Our dominant culture of anti-intellectualism fights against the earnest efforts of our undervalued and abused educators. You can only teach so much when families are loudly and proudly lifting up ignorance at home, putting down curiosity and academic integrity.

Throw in W’s education policies that totally shifted everything away from more a wholistic liberal arts approach, and increased religious extremism, and you get the modern electorate.

I don’t know if any amount of funding or investment in modern educational practices can combat the aggressive anti learning culture that so many kids are brought up in before they are dumped into the voting electorate.

Wasn’t these educational programs often ran by Democrats to begin with?

Ah yes, blaming Republicans when the education system/department of education has been run by Democrats for decades, has caused lower test scores, and costs more money than ever. Y’all are hilarious

Teacher have great Benefit plans.

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