Republicans turned America to shit, not Democrats.

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Which states have the lowest education numbers? Red states.

Which have the highest unemployment? Red states.

Who’s in charge of red states? Republicans.

Couldn’t agree more. Especially Boomer Republicans. They’re about to loot the country. The only people that will be better off are the Oligarchs. Way to go, MAGA morons.

I was there.

Yup, but they want us to think that other poors are the problem. Everyone will have to recognize that before we can move ahead. 

This is very true. Lived through the Reagan years and was a victim of Reaganomics.

I’ve been told my whole life that me being a Democrat and the woman is the reason why America is shit. And I was born in 1978.

Just because it’s true doesn’t mean anyone is listening.

Prayers for Luigi.

In 1973, wages stopped growing while productivity per worker kept steadily rising.

They still think the republicans are good for the economy.

The problem is that we are preaching to the choir here.

Gay people aren’t making them die of preventable diseases

Republicans, Reagan specifically, started the destruction of unions and used propaganda to turn sentiment against them.

Republican supporters can see that the country has gone to shit, even their own states but somehow they keep believing the culprits that they’re not to blame.

Who is this message for? the people you are aiming this to dont come here, and the ones that are here heard it all before.

Bill Clinton repealed Glass-Stegal which gave massive power to the banks, which leads us to the wealth inequality we have now. The republicans are certainly more upfront about how they want to loot the country but the vast majority of democrats are in the pockets of rich corporate interests as well, they do not give two shits about the common people.

The sad part is both republicans and democrats went along with Regan era deregulation for decades. This isn’t a problem of party, it’s a problem of the rich completely capturing our democracy.

This needs to be plastered like the Batman signal so it’s seen in every red county in the country!!

I’ll scream it from the mountain tops, the fairness doctrine.

I read that Democrats haven’t won the white vote since the civil rights movement. Speaks volumes.

History will mark Reagan as the one to begin the fall of the American empire.

Let’s not forget about Nixon starting the War on Drugs and Watergate (along with the Pentagon Papers) starting the large-scale distrust in the Government (not saying the Government’s perfect, but still).

You could go deeper on some stuff, but it can’t be understated how many people were angry at civil rights even to this day. Doing the right thing cost the Dems the South and a large portion of Middle America. This collapse killed the last of the New Deal coalition, and even with LBJ’s problems, Humphrey managed to get the ’68 election to the margins. The Repubs also causing the Dems to move rightward also can’t be forgotten.

Ah, yes, the old “the opposite political party is to blame for everything, not my political party”.

Oh yes. Because ever since Reagan the Dems haven’t had a single chance to correct it. Both the Dems and the Reps have fucked your country together while being paid by the same people.

geez, dont take a genious to see democrats are complicit and also shit

💯 💯 💯

We are coming for them

God works in mysterious ways, I guess.

Republican companies employ loads undocumented immigrants. Maybe eVerify should be federally mandated? Lower immigration by shutting down and fining illegal employers. Fewer people will be encouraged to migrate if they won’t be able to find work.

Pretty much.

And when Reagan flooded the country with this new thing called CRACK and started the “war on drugs” which is really just war on people.

Fuck him, fuck them.

Liars, hypocrites, the real criminals bro…

Y’all wrong, is Putin! /s

It is, and always has been, an economic war, with capitalism on the side of those who choose to exploit it. The cultural war the Fascists attempt to feed us has ALWAYS been a distraction from the truth.

Laughing in Black American, seeing people think this is ‘recent’ and not inherent in American culture since inception.


Clinton signing nafta didn’t help

Americans turned America to shit 🤷🏻‍♂️

Horse and Sparrow Theory, fed their voters shit and they ate it up


hahahahahaha omg full of blue idiots

Women didn’t get the right to contraception or to have credit until the ’70s.

I thought Obama ruined America /s

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