Requested a raise. Got fired instead. (I made it very clear in the email that I was only requesting a raise and not planning on quitting)

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While it’s very clear what they’re doing, I’d respond in writing asking him to clarify that you are being fired for asking for a raise. Make Joe say it plainly, if only to be petty (and, of course, to have it very explicitly in writing for your records).

This is designed to make you quit. Until you get a notice of termination, keep doing your job. (Track your work hours closely, they may try to fuck with that next)

That is not a termination notice. Check in with HR maybe. If you were terminated keep a paper copy of this since you can use that when filing for unemployment

just keep showing up to work, business as usual. This is known as the ‘costanza move’.

You know what’s fucked?? Your replacement is going to get paid what you wanted in the first place. Fuck Joe!

“I think it would be much more efficient to retain me; that way you don’t have to identify, train and integrate a new employee about whose work you know nothing. I merely asked for a raise, and a simple “no” would suffice. To be clear I am not resigning and I would appreciate clarification that the reason you plan to terminate me is for the reason I asked for a raise. Thank you, OP”

Hey, Tim, this email doesn’t say you’re fired. Keep working. If they want to fire you/lay you off, then they can and you can collect unemployment. If you leave and stop working, then they can avoid paying you unemployment.

That’s a lot more than mildly infuriating.

I’m so sorry.

This isn’t a “your fired” statement.

this is a deliberately vague statement hoping to get confirmation out of you either by word or action.

press the issue and loop HR in if there is an HR.

Post your original email. Maybe it was worded as I’m leaving if I don’t get a raise. Anyway, good luck

“Instead of paying you more, I’ll be paying additional money to your replacement and lose more in productivity than I would’ve had I paid you.”


Companies don’t want people who ask for raises. Eventually you’re going to ask again.

That’s weaponizing a simple request showing exactly what they think of you. Don’t be loyal to any employer because they are not loyal to you. Go where you get what you’re owed!

Make them say that in writing, and CC HR on it. Make them say everything in writing.

As I’ve corrected others in the comment section – firing someone for asking for a raise is retaliation and illegal in at-will employment states.

Asking for a raise is considered “Concerted Activity” which is protected by both the NLRB (National Labor Relations Board) and the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission).

Other examples of retaliation (aside from firing) are reprimanding employees, giving lower performance evals, transferring or changing an employees position, verbal/physical abuse, and spreading false information/rumors.

Edit – Clarification:
People are still trying to argue saying companies don’t have to give a reason when firing. Yes, this is true. If OP asked for a raise and suddenly got a SEPARATE email saying they were terminated w/o any reasonings – that would be legal.

HOWEVER, if they replied to your email chain with termination or specifically stated in writing/email that your request of a raise has led to your termination, like above. That is 100% illegal and retaliatory.

I’m absolutely amazed you asked for a raise in an EMAIL. That was the first mistake. Don’t know how old you are but damn. Thats always a face-to-face conversation. I would set a n in-person meeting with Joe ASAP.

You submitted request in writing, this shows only one side of the interaction. You probably work in an at will employment state where employer or employee can end employment without cause as long as it is not discrimination based on race, gender, religion or otherwise. Employer doesn’t have to have a reason to terminate employment, seems they are approaching this from a practical position. Again, only seeing an account of one side of this situation.

They’re trying to use you as an example to scare anyone else in asking for a raise.

He was looking for an excuse. You can probably do as others have suggested and fight it. But imo you’re never going to feel secure there, knowing you’re not valued/wanted. Move on.

The correct order of operations is; find new job, get offer letter in hand, then ask current employer for a raise. This gives you leverage and a safety net.

Then you rinse and repeat until you make enough money, or find a great job.

The fact that I was also fired by a guy named Joe a few months ago is crazy lol. Then he got fired for fucking employees and getting a STD from one and spreading it,which prompted an investigation,which led to them realizing I was wrongfully terminated and telling me to come back after a month like nothing happened lmaoooo.

Thank you for responding, Upon reviewing the email I felt it would be essential to loop in HR and other relevant supervisors for my records and for any future correspondence on this matter, I would like to reiterate that despite my assurance to not leave this position, you have fired me for asking a raise, a request that I am legally entitled as an employee of this organization. Please provide your reasoning so all the parties marked on this email are aware and if you don’t feel that I deserve or am entitled an explanation, I understand. If the decision is deemed final, I would like to stop working immediately so you can work on training a replacement employee and I can proceed with other options. Have a nice day!

Also, don’t train your replacement.

You need to show the original email.

Also why did you do this by email and not ask in person to start with as that is far more effective.

Yea, just send one back telling Joe that you appreciate the opportunity to train your replacement and look forward to the future endeavors he is going to offer.

That’s been happening since Reagan. You can be fired at anytime for any reason. Certain reasons won’t keep you from getting unemployment though.

Dick move for sure. Did you ask/negotiate your raise via email or person?

This would be illegal in the UK and the employee would have grounds for an unfair dismissal case at the Employment Tribunal.

Forward that email to everyone in the company.

Sounds like a dismissal without cause. Should be good for 6 months pay, pension and benefits.

This is why I work my wage. Seen this happen too many times. Sure, some people get rewarded for breaking their backs but for the most part hell no lol

Go see a lawyer, this is a good starting point for a wrongful dismissal suit

This is sooo illegal in like 98% of the world.

If this is the US I’d say take it with NLRB but too many Trump Brained idiots voted to gut working protections for more expensive eggs

Free unemployment for a few months

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