Requirements for being a flight attendant in 1954

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This reads like a bunch of dudes sitting around a typewriter with one of them occasionally saying: “oh and don’t forget ______.”

> Good carriage

Are we talking absolute dump truck or?

1. Single – Not engaged.

2. Between the ages of 22 and 28.

3. Between 5’2″ and 5’5″.

4. Between 100 and 120 pounds.

5. Good eyesight (No glasses).

6. Good teeth (Even no gold showing when smiling).

7. Good figure.

8. Slender legs.

9. Natural color to hair.

10. At least four years of college or two years of college and two years business experience.

11. The ability to carry on a lively conversation.

12. Good carriage.

13. Even temper – must not become provoked by demands of passengers.

14. Willing and anxious to please.

15. Willing to transfer.

16. Citizen of the United States.

17. Excellent health.

18. Clear skin.

19. Nice penis.

10. At least four years of college or two years of college and two years business experience.

lol jobs from 80 years ago were still on some near impossible credential bullshit.. how many women would this have applied to in 1954

20. Must respond to “broad” or “toots”

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Here’s another one.

I like how this was clearly typed as the items popped into mind and then never edited a whit… It wanders from objectifying physical qualities to education to soft skills and then comes back to tack on, “Oh and no zits! Gross! And nice hands, don’t forget nice hands!”

Now we need our flight attendants to be like enforcers keeping the plane safe.

Some dude typed all of this with one hand

1. Apple bottom jeans
2. Boots with the fur
3. Able to hit the floor
4. Able to get low, low, low, low, low, low, low

Ah yes, the golden age of aviation—when you needed a modeling contract, Olympic-level patience, and zero gold fillings to hand out peanuts. Safety? Nah. Slender legs? Absolutely essential. Imagine getting rejected because your hair wasn’t ‘natural’ enough. Wild times

I have to wonder if the college requirements were a backdoor/”secret” way of keeping the pool causasian and rich?

In short: be eye candy.

“Willing and anxious to please” wtf? 😭 Something about that feels so manipulative 💀

I love how literally everything is superficial. All about looks and such. And then, oh ya, 4 year college degree required lmao

Wouldn’t it be easier to just type up “WANTED: pretty blondes who don’t mind when the businessman in 18A gets handsy”?

Leo DiCaprio Standards

4 years of college!?

When I am looking for a female companion, I always expect a good carriage.

In a surprisingly progressive turn of events, hiring based on marital status, natural appearance, etc. is in fact super illegal now

Fuck man- gma was a flight attendant and model – dated a president – this is NUTS

Good carriage is the best one on the list 😅

I can honestly say I’ve never met more than 2 of the listed qualifications at once.

Up until surprisingly recently there were mandatory retirement ages of like 35 in some major flight attendant’s unions

I love how this could also be the “looking for” section of an incel’s dating profile.

So my nana was a stewardess in 1960… this is all fairly spot on.

She had a love of flying and wanted to be a pilot but told me women weren’t allowed. I don’t know how true that was, but I assume there was a bit of social stigma attached. She said she settled for the next best thing.

She was tall though, like 5’7”. Fair skin, hazel eyes. Slender/skinny. She did have a little bit of a temper, but I guess either that was old age later on or she never let it be known at work.

She was very pretty, in my opinion and probably had the right personality.

She enjoyed it and she ended up using the money from it (it apparently paid well) to pursue being an anesthesiologist while she was raising my dad.

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