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bro thats literaly the most beautiful thing i seen all day thank you

that boy has a pure heart

I’m pretty sure I read another version of this story.

( They both end up dying. )

>We didn’t have any O Blood

That seems extremely unlikely to me. Type O is the best and most important blood type there is, because you can use it for anybody, no matter what blood type they are themselves. It’s hard to believe a hospital would run out of O blood unless it’s in the middle of some apocalyptic event.

This story has been told and retold longer than I’ve been alive (and I’m not young).

Wonder what they’re up to nowadays

1.6k people didn’t see this story years ago. Rinse. Repeat.

A version of this story has been around for at least 100 years. Heck, I wrote about it for a kids journal in the early 2000s.


It’s fake.


So the doctor has a severe lack of explanation skills?

“We didn’t have any O Blood” Sure mate

Story is fake, hospitals have plenty of O- blood

Didn’t the original say they’ll both die?

Wait I remember the last line to be “Thankfully, they both died.”

/r/kidsarefuckingstupid but also very wholesome

His parents didn’t tell him?


A future purchaser of the book “Learn to say no”

Then dies from staff infection

“and I Am Type O Negative!” *snap*

Coached a kid once who had to donate bone marrow from his spine to his baby sister.

He was probably 13 or 14 at the time and the epitome of shadow kid, lived mostly by himself, made his own meals etc.

Of all the things that have never happened, this has never happened the most.


I Am Blood Bag Man

Why is Ironman snapping with his pinky?

Children are the purity that keeps parents from becoming raving psycho killers

I call bullshit … you can’t get enough blood from a little boy to save his sister’s life.

In an emergency the girl would have been given the more common O-Pos blood.

This same story has been around for at least 30 years. I hear it told over and over again in various settings. Amazing, that it just keeps happening isn’t it?

Last sentence not being “Thankfully, they both died” is a missed opportunity.

What type of stupid doctor doesn’t explain that properly to a child?

I can’t imagine that you get enough blood from a single donor for an operation, especially not from a child.

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What med-school dropout performs a medical procedure on a child without making it clear to them that they’re not going to die afterwards?



A story almost as old as blood type discovery

This looks like a story my pastor would share in church, “I saw it on the news”. A macro with no recognizable source shared by some other network to push a narrative. It’s a sweet story. Why not just let it be that instead of making things up?

I can’t imagine anyone with an ounce of critical thinking ability thinks this is plausible.

My brother: *slices his arm open* Tell her she can have my Nintendo.

Doctor: Jesus Christ!

This story was ripped from a “Portals of Prayer” devotional.



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