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orphan crushing machine didn’t crush an orphan today, yay

He openly admitted to anally raping a woman who kept telling him to stop and saying no. *He’s* the one who says she kept saying no.

He makes that money in less than 4 hours. So…. Small respect….

Rapists don’t make me smile, sorry. 

It would be a beginning If he pay His Tax. Dude owned over 20 Millionen to spanish Tax. Imagen how many childs you can Help with this.

it was sweet of this athlete to go out of his way like this, but I’m *really* tired of evidence of our capitalist dystopia being repackaged as feel-good stories. like, he wouldn’t have had to do this in the first place if people just *had free Healthcare.*

He also schills for the MLM Herbalife

Another billionaire rapists that we are supposed to cheer for

And if it had been an honest act of charity, instead of a publicity stunt, nobody would know anything about it. You really think that people like Ronaldo are champions of selfishness?

I mean that’s like a days salary for him

And then I hope the kid sold them. This isn’t the flex y’all think it is. Healthcare should be FREE FOR ALL.

Dude gives 0.1% of his riches to safe one child.
Why not safe 1.000 kids and still have $717.000.000?

Do ten month old children wear shoes?

I’m going to ignore the “is he nice cus he helped” and “is he a rapist” comments and just wonder what’s going on with that collar.

Even though he is filthy rich, he could have just donated the cleats and been done. I get it, $83K is nothing to him, but he didn’t have to pay it.

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So we are posting screenshots of reddit in reddit now?

Are “cleats” some sort of underwear?

you can only do such things when you have money,, he literally purchases 15k one pair of shoes which he throws the next day

Footballers wear boots, not cleats.

Boots ya twat, boots

Why didn’t the govt just pay for the healthcare?

Cristiano Ronaldo donating $83k is like someone making $60K a year dropping 11 cents

Never understand why you have to pay for surgerys. In Europe you dont get a bill from surgery.


Imagine having a sick child, needing brain surgery. It must be all consuming devastation.

And then imagine that, ON TOP OF THAT HELL, you know the bill is insurmountable, because you live in a place without universal health care.

If that doesn’t make you rage against the system, I don’t know what will.

But yeah, sure, rich people are angels we should pray to for salvation..

Man with millions actually has a heart. Other rich bastards could use a lesson from this man.

He raped somebody too.  Not the best guy 

Then he raped that woman

Mad respect 🫡

Whom does Reddit not hate?
Yesterday in a r/All post, I saw Pewdiepie being dragged in comments. Today here is Ronaldo.
I was expecting a wholesome comment section in both.

I get the accusations, but whyre so many people mad that he didnt pay MORE?? its his money he decides when to be charitable. If you criticise him for THIS then you better be devoting your whole life towards humanity and use every single penny you have for philanthropy

Everyone saying that he has x amount of money and can afford y, if most of you gained the same amount of money you wouldn’t help shit

This is how it is done.

bro is trying his HARDEST to not give the kid GRAPES

Hes got the money

83k is nothing to him…

I love this guy


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