Restaurant second floor is see-through. Hope you’re not wearing a skirt

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Given how much dirt and grime are on that floor, I think I would call it translucent.


If someone dropped a glass of something, I would watch from beneath the entire time they cleaned it up with great interest.

Are there guests on the first floor? Lol I’m more like “oh what a beautiful view. The bottoms of people’s shoes.” What a terrible idea 😂

It’s called a kilt, and I am unashamed.


“Hmm yes, let’s make the floor transparent so every diner from below can watch the beautiful view of all kinds of dirt while they’re eating. That should be appetizing. Wouldn’t ruin their meal at all. Plus they get the bonus flash of underwear from the people above as well. 😉”


I imagine someone throwing up and then watching someone clean/mop it up… drunk people ≠ clean



Some desperate exhibitionist in a skirt will Zoidberg across that dance floor for maximum engagement.

Yeah it seems a little nearsighted in all of this. It’s definitely only cool in theory because run reality it’s just upskirt shots and the nasty underside of shoes lol

There’s a club in my town that has this. It’s disgusting because sweat and grime covers the glass dance floor.

What a horrible idea.

Perfect if you need to know if you stepped in shit, just ask the guy below. Have you ever tried twisting your leg to see the bottom of your shoe? No I am not taking my shoe off and putting my foot down on that nasty floor, there’s shit on it.

That place looks like a shithole

Or at least if you are you made sure to put you clean underoos on…

The ad that showed up under this post was perfect, lol
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This was one of many 3:00 am cocaine fueled ideas that actually stuck.

This is incredibly tacky


I know where I’m showing off my new kilt for St. Paddy’s day now!

I think about this when I want to put the translucent dance floor above ground level in the Sims 💀


Cool idea poor execution.

I’ll wear a skirt and I expect to be catcalled

Oh no.

Guess you don’t need a foot mirror to look up skirts there.

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Looking up skirts is the whole point of that floor.

Horrible restaurant design

Joke is on you, I’m wearing a kilt!

Waiter: that’s the fourth person tonight refusing to sit upstairs..

I remember being on a cruise as a kid that had a see through dance floor on the second floor. My aunt said something just to this effect. It’s definitely a choice

F’n filthy, too. What a brilliant idea.

My ex-husband (an architect) designed one of these for a convent many years ago. The nuns loved it.

Ayat in Ditmas Park, Brooklyn? Great restaurant with great food, in spite of the second floor situation.

That beam says ASS2. Keep your eyes peeled for some full moons above.

If there is anything that would put an end to the 5-second rule this would be it.


Uh, it looks like it’s not hidden, and is maybe one of the “hey look at us, we’re different” points of attraction. It’s not like someone will be walking around up there and suddenly an hour later be caught off guard.

Anyway, I’m told that I look good in a skirt. 😉

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