Resting Face

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Shen devotes 99% of his power to looking cute.

You don’t want to fight him when he looks evil.

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360p to full hd jump

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Majora’s Mask moon looking motherfucker.

A lot of people in Shen’s world seems to have that smile…

Someone call Chuck Jones – this guy stole his Grinch grin!

Not me reading peasant face

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This post killed me. I just imagine his face do a semi-quick grinchlike morphing and it’s the funniest shit I can think of.

Thank you, Shen.

He really has to work hard to get rid of his pupils.

That’s a very good juice.

My face looks like that when i laugh.

He’s the secret Wario Land 4 boss

…now I don’t feel so bad about his con-wedding scam.

Light Yagami

I can relate to this. I’ve been told by work colleagues that I have what’s been dubbed a Resting Murder Face.

My resting face makes people think I’m angry or annoyed. It’s a curse.

Resting lich face

I was a confident this was a juice I was looking through the comments for the origami


Well, now I feel less bad about RBF…


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