Reverse Uno Card

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So if I can’t go to Canada, Canada will come to me?

As someone who would become Canadian, I’m in.

I for one, welcome our new maple leafed overlords and their universal healthcare.

I’m Canadian. I have a MAGA cousin who lives in Florida. He sent me a condescending message when he saw Trump’s comment about Canada becoming the 51st state. I told him I’m pretty sure more Americans would rather their state be a Canadian province than Canadians wanting their province to become a US state. Better healthcare, better education. He shut right up after that.

do it, it would be mad funny

Can you imagine what a hell hole the remaining states would be without the blue states that actually pay into the federal government more than they take? 

Do we vote for this or just say thank you?

I for one, welcome our new Canadian overlords. I look forward to walleye fishing, skiing, and learning to see “eh”.

Yes ! Health Care!!!

Hey Colorado did nothing to deserve being left behind!

As a Michigander: yes, please!

Take Colorado please

“Hey all you real Americans! You don’t want those marxist blue states sticking around, taking your country from you, do you? Well, let them go be commies with Canada and take your country back!”

-A Washingtonian

Oh god I’m so happy PA is included in this. Please, please take us!


At a New Yorker I’m 100% ok with this

As much as I’m against modern imperialism, I find this preferable to the US conquering Canada. Just get Northern VA too, I’m moving there soon.

what about Virginia?

and apparantly south-Arizona still voted democratic? If so South-Airzone + New Mexico + Colorado could join Canada too. The rest can become the Trumpic Republic of Gilead.

Awfully bold to assume that Alberta and Saskatchewan would vote Dem.

Please take Virginia too don’t leave us down here with the crazies

Can we also grab Hawaii? Asking for 35 million bruddas and sistas

How do we trade Colorado for Wisconsin?
Weed for cheese curds?

Annex northern Virginia too, pls.

I know it’s not really my place to say so since I’m not American, and I don’t want to tell another country what to do. But as a Canadian, it would mean a lot to us to see some protesters standing up for Canada at the Inauguration.

Virginia is not red, thank you very much

If Ohio says Sorry, can we join too?

Whew… I was worried PA wouldn’t be far enough north.

Colorado and New Mexico would be down to join as well.

On behalf of Maryland, we’re in.

Please add Colorado and New Mexico and then you’ll be set. We are blue as well.

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