Revisionist history will not be tolerated.

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Pokemon, DBZ, Yu-gi-oh, Naruto, Bleach, Toonami, and Adult Swim did more for anime than My hero could dream of.

Edit: love seeing all the older anime mentioned here. Though if I mention my first anime, I feel like I’m the only one who’s going to remember it.


Anything on Toonami made Anime mainstream. Some people were sitting home on the weekends so they could watch some Toonami.

MHA ainโ€™t doing shit like that.

Dumbest fucking take Iโ€™ve had the displeasure to read all year (๐Ÿฅ)

Kids today with their MhA and their CSM and their AoT streaming conveniently on crunchyroll…

They don’t know how we used to pirate Pokรฉmon and DbZ and YuGiOh on limewire and ruin our home pcs getting cyberAIDS from spending a whole night downloading one episode over dialup…

These whippersnappers need to learn their roots.

We don’t acknowledge hot takes from 12 year olds.

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That’s gotta be rage bait yeah? Like If Jussdin is a kid then their parents might have grown up watching Pokemon, DBZ, and the others

Do these people not realize Dragonball had fucking McDonaldโ€™s toys? There is no bigger signifier or mainstream in America than that.

Dragon Ball was on a tier above any anime

In South American countries they would literally project the episodes to buildings and have hundreds to thousands of people outside weekly watching these episodes

The tournament of power broke pornhub for christs sake

Hell attack on Titan had a bigger impact then my hero did


This is Sailor Moon erasure

Akira and Ghost in the Shell.

Morons that didn’t discover anime until 2020 always have the most to say

These youngins have no idea what they are talking about

Niggas was definitely putting waves and durags on Goku lol

Gundam and Sailor Moon are OG anime. No social media needed.

Man if I aint ever hear a I was born after 2000 ass sentence.

MHA lmao

Why canโ€™t we all get along?


Like this chill guy

It goes way further back than that. I was watching Speed Racer & Voltron in the mid 80โ€™s

Akira Toriyama is probably rolling in his grave because of how dumb this dude sounds. RIP Legend.

“crunchyroll owes MHA everything” -a mf who was born in 2007

There’s series called the “Big 3” that MHA isn’t apart of…. And then DragonBall is sitting on top of them calling them bums.

If anything MHA owes crunchy roll nd the dozen of other shonen animes with well established tropes everything.

MHA is mid shonen. The MCs in modern shonen with the exception of Tanjiro are all soft ass crybabies.

Adult Swim and Liquid Television…


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