Rewatching season 7…

By Hrafn2
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God I love Kathryn Hahn

Someone heard Adlai Stevenson’s impressive speech and said, “Every thinking person in America will be voting for you.” Stevenson replied, “I’m afraid that won’t do—I need a majority.

Not sure what it says about me that on a show of sweet, genuine people, Jen Barkley is the one I relate to the most.


Parks and Rec just feels more and more relevant as time goes on lol 😂

It was Agatha all along.

I think about this quote a lot

Not all heroes wear capes. Some wear ponchos lol

My first watch through I thought Jenn Barkley was annoying. Now I relate to her almost the most

I recently went through another rewatch as well. I had the urge to watch something that made politics “haha” funny instead of “sad” funny. I’m not really sure the reason why I had that urge though…

This was my reaction to election day. Lol. And my favorite scene in the entire series.

Me in 2020

Laughing because if I don’t, I’ll cry…

Oh I think this show needs a rewatch

Agatha, No!

Reminds of that horrible campaign Democrats ran this year

One of the things that was really lame about season 7 was how “crazy” the writers tried to make Leslie’s home life seem to be with her three kids.

I just got it it’s p and r parks and rec I’m an idiot I thought it was some show called pandr like Panda but with an r at the end no idea what it was about prolly like the office not piraty pandas

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