Rich people fighting for those poorer is GOOD actually

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“bro is rich how could he feel empathy for the working class ?”

Wait until they find out about Engels

Exactly. A rich person embracing the fight for the poor (seriously) will lose something if not everything. The true traitors are those doing the inverse, that do this only to be rich (hopefully)

FDR was from a very rich family and was probably the most pro working class president ever. So pro working class that a bunch of wealthy businessmen tried to stage a fascist coup to bring back the gold standard. America liked him so much, we elected him 4 times and would have done a fifth if he hadnโ€™t died.

It also shows the extent of how awful health insurance is in America. Even the rich can’t afford it.

I’m starting to realize how crazy the world is. It only took me 34 years.

rich people using their privilege to help others is literally what we need more of

Jesus was the og class traitor. Homie was the son of god and slummed in with the subway riders. Those are the ones who understand how cruel things really are and are awaken

Olof Palme says hi.

He doesn’t have a brother sho she’s just spouting.

He turned and yelled “this is an injustice and an insult to the intelligence of the American people”….ย  ย  ย and his attorney (stay tuned on that one) took to the cameras. We may just be getting started with talking about this. His story already resonates with so many. Seeing that he will not go quietly gives me hopeย 

We have to stop arguing over shit like Biden’s kid and the stuff the mainstream media wants to divide us on. We are the 99%.

We can’t afford to exclude anybody, and we shouldn’t. Why would we? If somebody is willing to give up their privileges to help out, that should be accepted, encouraged, and admired.

Have we found our Liu Bei?

Alternative take, our system is so fucked even 1.5%ers are feeling fucked over.

He’s rich but not avoid getting fucked by insurance agencies rich.

People need to stop equating rich parents with their children. He was set up to succeed but he hadn’t actually done that yet. Probably due to the chronic health issues he’d been living with since childhood. It’s not hard to understand.

Virtue scolds couldnโ€™t resist the opportunity to mention we live in a society, that it undermines a positive movement be damned; they must have clout and a high horse.

More rich people should be like this tbh. Use that privilege for good!

To be fair, we aren’t used to wealthy people giving a shit.

Itโ€™s more meaningful in some ways – he had more to lose. It makes him look more heroic.

One of the greatest presidents was a โ€œclass traitorโ€. FDR and his cousin Teddy were from an extremely wealthy family

Well, maybe the class war will turn from rich vs. poor to the ruling elite vs. everyone else.

Or maybe some of the bourgeoisie is trying to get on the good side of the working class to maintain their power. I dunno

They want to turn us against Luigi SO BAD but itโ€™s not gonna happen

The guy had virtually everything going for him, and threw it all away to send a message. The people saying that detracts from what he did are idiots. There is no other way to describe those people.

“and his brother is a whole GO…”?? whats the rest of it?

This post just summarized everything thatโ€™s wrong with us

The fact that he was rich, and still got fucked over my health insurance, is even more reason why we should take action

that’s the type of rich person i want to be someday (minus the violence). standing up for the poor. a big campaign to normalise job security, good incomes and retirement again. fuck it – building houses for employees because why the fuck not

Every philosopher from the “enlightment” in France were nobles or from the bourgeoisie because only the riches knew how to read and have time to think about things! The poor had none of that so indeed it is not only good but normal to have entitled people spear the anti class war! They are the ones knowing how bad it is. The poor have no idea how much they are missing.

Exactly. He has a lot to risk and there is nothing to gain. If that isn’t a hero idk what is.

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