Rich people get richer, but the wage is the same

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“NoBoDy WaNtS tO wOrK aNymORe”

Taking inflation into account, wages dropped significantly.

I’m tired.

And guess who worked more in those 12 years.

so ya we know the rich get rich and the poor stay poor, now what are we all going to do about it?

The reason for the First three is the fourth

These rich people need to disappear and if they won’t we should help them

everyone has gotten poorer at the expense of these awful selfish bastards all consuming greed. how empty do you havevto be to have everything but do nothing to help anyone.

New Gilded Age

Richest people yet were behind on workers rights? Greedy fuckers

And people somehow still vote for the economical right, that literally works on making this difference even bigger.

Look at our crumbling infrastructure sitting in their bank accounts

If you asked them behind closed doors what is an explaination for this and they would laugh. I really believe it.

These billionaires need to get taken out honestly

CEOs didn’t want to work for so low pay and profits so they did something about it. And here are the results. It was definitely hard work that brought the results, I am sure of that. This are the hardest working people with lowest irl iq and delusional and “work” 12h a day with so low productivity that even mentally disabled could achieve more. But perseverance and determination, corruption and blackmail brought results.

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These same arseholes are refusing to pay tax %s like the rest of us and are now actively pushing to stop efforts to eliminate social equality. They need to be stopped.

Those 3 men are basically enemies of the state. They have the power to change the world for the better, stop the bad things that are coming, and improve the lives of everyone. Instead, they roll over and become a sycophant to a tyrant and plan on taking as much money as they can from the rest of the world.



You don’t understand how hard they worked in these 12 years. They worked really, really hard. I mean really hard. If you worked that hard you would have billions too. Anyway you don’t have to worry, it will trickle down very soon, anytime now, just you wait.

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Musk alone can solve world hunger and poverty and have more money left than he knows what to spend it on, but i guess philanthropy isn’t profitable.

So anyway I started blasting

Minimum wage should be a floating figure tied to the median rise of income for the top 1% of the population. Inflation affects the other costs (utilities, equipment, raw materials) of doing business. Why should the human element be treated any differently?

Inflation is our fault because the government gave us $1500, not because of rich assholes who are hoarding all the money. Trickle-down my ass Reagan. EAT THE RICH

I’d be fine if Soylent Green is billionaires 🤷‍♀️

We’ve eaten cake for too long!

These fucks skulls would look nice on a fencepost.


Those rich guys better pull a magic Easter egg out their backside to demonstrate how meritorious they are… clearly they are just simple human beings…

Makes for good popcorn time if you don’t give a shot about anything tho o guess

I am so tired of theses three gentlemen….

Yeah… Captilism and “trickle down” effect working great, huh? I hate the time I live in 🙁

Eat the rich!!! 🤑

Funny how Oligarchs and pedos have the seemingly same tagline (replace a couple words):

“That’s what I love about these high school girls, man. I get older, they stay the same age.” – Dazed and Confused (1993)

That’s what happens when we consume their products.

We should stop using their fucking products.

Stop using Instagram. Stop using X.

Use Decentralized Networks like Bluesky and Mastodon. Don’t even use threads.

Stop buying Teslas. Their poorly built anyways.

Stop using Amazon unless needed.

In the UK I can say we’re lucky that minimum wage has risen, 2012 was £6.19 if you’re 21+, currently it’s £11.44 and in April going up again to £12.21.

So whilst our minimum wage has nearly doubled, they still upped their wealth by such ridiculous amounts that double is practically nothing. It’s sickening.

Sainsbury’s, one of the UKs grocery stores, made £1,000,000,000 in profits, but because Nation Insurance is going up and employers have to pay, they say they’re putting up prices to cover the costs. It’s ridiculous, they made 1 BILLION in PROFIT and they can’t handle 140 million.

We are FINALLY TALKING and figuring it out! Omg we are soooo dumb and lazy! Look, all we have to do is VOTE TO CHANGE THE LAW and we can redistribute and take away their billions!!!!

The red states are the reason nothing changes. Look at Kentucky, how many times they voted in the same dumbfuck who did absolutely nothing for them. Or West Virginia who has THE lowest scores across the board for education.

Only way any of this works out is being split down the middle like N and S.Korea. Our views are so far apart that we may never prosper again after this presidency.

VoTe BlUe No MaTtEr WhO!!11!1!!!

They should be in prison, not celebrated or worshipped for “good business practices”. They stole from their workers aka wage theft!

Should be more upset about the ceos of pharmacies and grocery stores than Facebook. Facebook posture their staff very well. Places like cvs and giant not so much.

I would be interested in seeing these guys real wealth if you separate their personal wealth from their companies wealth.


How is it not slavery at this point? Like how. Can this be redefined in a court?


USA minimum wage worker clearly isn’t cut to be a CEO and make billions /s

Not mentioned – 25yrs worth of inflation unaccounted for in the bottom right pic.

Yes, when the company you own grows, the value of it grows, but when you flip burgers for 30 customers a day yesterday and still flip 30 burgers a day for customers tomorrow the value of flipping burgers doesn’t change.

The fact that people don’t understand this is baffling. How the logic of “Amazon has 100million more customers therefore I should be paid more for flipping burgers” resonates with anyone makes me sad for Reddit.

If the company that made you rich keeps growing, you will get more rich. If you keep doing what you did to make $10/hr, you will keep getting $10/hr. This isn’t a mystery.

Their wage went up. Maybe their needs weren’t being met. Hope they are able to buy food for their family now.

This would look soooo much better if they used average of median income. Minimum wage is a terrible barometer. Most places and states don’t reflect federal minimum anyways.

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