Richard Barnett, the man who put his feet on Nancy Pelosi’s desk has just been released from prison.

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Party of law and order encouraging breaking and entering with some treason sprinkled in.

From it was peaceful tourists > the only bad ones were Antifa > let them out of prison because they supported me 

If this guy were protesting *against* Trump, he’d be calling for his execution for this. Instead, since he’s loyal to Trump, he gets a fucking *pardon.*

This is the reality of the US right now. The President will try his absolute best to destroy the lives of anyone that speaks out against him from here on out. Those that bend the knee will be rewarded.

Those are his most hardcore supporters. He is releasing them because he will need them in 4 years when he won’t want to end his mandate.

And if we had any sort of media at all, they would use this guy as an example of people who don’t deserve a pardon. Trespassing in federal buildings is a serious crime, I thought?

The old republicans are long gone. The new party is about felons taking care of their own and oligarchs taking the rest of it.

The jackasses are having their day. The pendulum will swing back the other way, just give it time.

The president himself is a felon, we should not be surprised

Terrorist. Call him what he is. Domestic terrorist.


You left out that he took a shit in her office. Not in the office bathroom but on the fucking floor.

The only good thing about these jackasses being released from prison is knowing that they’re gonna have a helluva hard time finding jobs, regardless of the pardons. Not to mention any other issues caused by them being locked up. Zero sympathy for these traitors.

Trump’s already forgotten about Richard Barnett and all the other countless blind followers who were lawfully convicted. Best any of them can do from here on out is set up a roadside stand selling Trump merchandise and hope they don’t need money for prescription drugs in the coming years.

Still a terrorist tho

It’s like Joker broke into the insane asylum and just opened all the cell doors

This isn’t the guy who smeared s*** on the walls too is it?

There’s gonna be a point where he pardons someone that murdered a democrat on purpose. Then it’s gonna be open season.


so safety to say that as long as I support Trump and suck his dick, I can do many many bad things as long as the victims are democrats and i will be fine

I really for a lot of years wanted to give Trump supporters the benefit of the doubt. I understand fandom I have been a fan of a lot of things for a lot of years; passionately!
With these pardons now, I can no longer understand why anyone would think that this president is great and honorable. Pardoning people that attacked police officers, and broke into a government building to cause disruption, terror and destruction is unthinkable! There is no shadow of the doubt anymore that Trump and his supporters are anti-American, anti-police, anti-law and order.
Anyone that thinks the same needs to echo this all over the world. This act cannot be swept under the rug. We need to be loud.

If these people hunt down Pence or Pelosi and do something. Would they be pardoned again?

I can’t wait for these people to explain why they haven’t had a job in the amount of time that they haven’t had a job to potential employers.

MMW some of these domestic terrorists will commit more terrorisim. There will be no consequences whatsoever

I thought they were antifa and BLM

I’ll bet these guys are just a joy to work with. Good social skills, gets along well with others, always has the interest of their employer in mind……

So if I did this to the current speakers office I won’t be arrested? Cause there is nothing wrong. Any citizen can just go into the speakers office and sit at their desk.

Everything Trump does is transactional. He’s doing these so they ‘Owe” him. He’ll be calling on them again, probably in another 4 years. He’s tell them he’ll pardon them for whatever they do, if they’re on his side.

So violent insurrectionists roam free while peaceful migrants looking for a better life get stopped at the border by armed police? Party of law and order🙄

I’m embarrassed to be an American when you have fucking insurrectionists getting pardoned. They broke the law and the party that lost 4 years ago couldn’t handle then and now they are back in power they still can’t handle it but only did this as a big fuck you to the Democrats. Regardless of your political affiliation, storming the capital and participated in a violent coup attempt deserves prison. Fuck Trump and fuck the Republicans. They are destroying this country, not the Democrats.

I’m now fully a fan of vigilantism. Law and order has evaporated.

Fuck this shit. Seriously. New levels of disgust achieved 

Did he pardon Ashli Babbit?

Oh, right….


Fuck this guy. He is from my area and that just means he’s going to come back here and act like he is some martyr

Fuck facist USA.

Did the zip tie guy get released too?

But I though he was Antifa….

Imagine if folks on the left had been the ones…

“Law and order”

Crime is legal now.

He was a hostage



He lives close to me. Ugh!

These guys are going to the southern border to fight gangs and the cartels right?

I wonder what Viktor Bout is up to nowadays

Fuck that guy
Fuck Trump
Fuck you if you voted for him


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