Right now, ongoing protest against pro Russian government in Slovakia / Bratislava

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Serbia, Georgia, Slovakia, Hungary – let’s go!

Godspeed! Greets from Serbia! We need to take these corrupt monkeys down together!

Good!!! Fuck the Pro-Russian government 🇪🇺🇸🇰

Organizers are saying there’s around 60k people in Bratislava alone. One of the biggest protests in Slovakia since the Velvet Revolution in 1989.

Wow. That’s just amazing.

The people of Romania are with you, at least the normal side of it. The Russians just tried to put a pro-Russian president in power here just a few months back. We are with you and support you.
Stay strong brothers and sisters.

Fuck Fico!

I bet Fico, in his current state of paranoia, is shitting his pants at the moment

fico is trying to curb the protests by inventing myths about a ‘group’ that is trying for a coup d’etat. 

delusional motherfucker. 

Link for live video: [https://tvnoviny.sk/domace/clanok/948348-sledujeme-online-bratislavske-namestie-praska-vo-svikoch-organizatori-protestov-ziadaju-premiera-fica-aby-odstupil](https://tvnoviny.sk/domace/clanok/948348-sledujeme-online-bratislavske-namestie-praska-vo-svikoch-organizatori-protestov-ziadaju-premiera-fica-aby-odstupil)

Support from 🇷🇸 You hang in there, guys

If the 60k attendance estimate for Bratislava is correct, this should be the largest protest since 1989.

People also protested in 29 other cities today.

Bastard can leave any damn time. Because these folks sure wont.

Electricity “mysteriously” went out during the protest so 60 k people pulled out their phones.

Revenge for Jan Kuciak

Proud people

God, I love European unity

Americans please take notes. That’s how you act in a functioning democracy

Wishing lots of good luck to my Slovak brothers from Prague!

Kick Fico out! Fico out!

All the best from Austria, we have our own to cross the carry as well.

Beautiful, the righteous really need to make moves during these facist infected times.

Yeah, these eastern tyrants are doing worse and worse

be careful my fellow brothers and sisters

FICO already setting the stage that this is ukrainian interference and not a lawful protest.

He already said ukraine cyberattacked slovakia and that the protests are because of ukraine

due to the wording, he’s likely to eventually use military and police on the protests

Power went off so we are just enjoying the protest anyway.

Thats awesome! Go Go Go! Love from Austria/Germany 🫶🫶

All the support from Bulgaria! Fuck Russian shills, fuck Russia!

Not a peep about this in the British press so far..

Best of luck brothers and sisters! Let’s keep Europe Russo free!

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